Gene Editing...

If someone had told people who lived in 1800 that there would be something called a smartphone in the future; a device that can help you connect to the world, watch movies, listen to music, play mobile games and others, a lot of them would have laughed so hard because it sound impossible. Let's not even go that far in time because as at year 2000, we still struggled to communicate with people overseas and didn't even see smartphones coming as a solution.

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But, here we are 24 years later communicating with people in any part of the world thanks to technology. The list is a long one if we start digging into things that technology has made a lot easier and I believe that we haven't even seen the best of technology despite everything we are enjoying today. What we have today looks like a big deal but they will eventually become something ordinary in the future because there will be more sophisticated tech in probably a decade or century from now.

It's not like we are done doubting what technology can still offer but it's not as bad as it was back then. I know there are lots of limitations with technology at the moment but it's only a matter of time before scientists figure out these things and there will be new innovations that would make life a lot easier than it is at the moment.

It would interest you to know that there are lots of technology many of us aren't even aware of. We don't know they exist probably because we don't need them or they aren't available in our countries but they are available in countries that are investing everyday in technology.

If there is a futuristic technology I can imagine, it would have to do with biotechnology in connection with healthcare. Although I am good and always pray not to have health challenges but it's hard to see people struggling with health challenges. It's a different thing when people invite illnesses and diseases by living an unhealthy lifestyle but what about those who inherit illnesses that made their life miserable all through their time on earth.

A lady went viral some months ago and her story broke my heart. She came into the limelight while trying to trade her phone for pain reliever because she was in so much pain. Her story move me to tears whenever I remember.

She had sickle cell and even her family have abandoned her according to the story. Whatever she is going through is nothing anyone would wish for and I felt happy seeing Nigerians come to her aid. She got lots of money but it won't take the illness away.

It definitely wasn't her fault and that's the same case for many people struggling with one terminal disease or the other.

I remembered when I was diagnosed of high blood pressure, my mom said it was from my dad gene and when I did my research, it was true. I know a lady struggling with Asthma and it's a chronic type. Sadly, it was passed down to her as well.

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There are millions of people with inherited illness and diseases and I see technology taking care of these in the nearest future. This has nothing to do with drugs or surgeries, it would be just about Gene editing. I learned about Gene editing (CRISPR) while engaging on the post of the lady with sickle cell. Someone mentioned that when this innovation becomes completely safe and usable, a lot of lives will be saved from untimely death.

This technology would allow the editing of human genetics and as weird as it seems, I can't wait for this to become not just a reality but something functional. It's still a work in progress but I believe it would be a complete success someday and everyone human that needs it would be able to access this technology so they will be free from health struggles.

It would be a groundbreaking innovation in the medical field and a lot of people will be able to have a beautiful life regardless of what was passed on to them.

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