My Guilty Pleasures: Confessing My Digital Distractions

I have been found guilty of many things but today I will be sharing two things I have found myself guilty of any time I work. I am a technical writer, and most of my jobs are done from home. I would say I love my job but there are some things I do that hinder me from doing my job to the fullest of my capacity, two of these things are already becoming a habit that I am getting addicted to which needs to stop.

Generated on Bing copilot.

The truth is I find pleasure in them especially when I am tired or over-stressed from watching the screen for a long time. The first one is TIKTOK.

Screenshot from my Tiktok

OMG, I plan to delete this app on my phone because it is a time and waste and data consumer. Why would I spend hours on TikTok without even realizing it, and I would battle with myself to close the app? Yes, TikTok is one of the apps I find pleasure in while lazing around my work. I could scroll all working hours on TikTok without realizing but I plan to uninstall the app for now to improve my discipline.

The other one is MOBILE GAME. One thing is that I don't have many games on my phone but the only game I have, I make sure it gets the attention it needs, and this game is no other game. The mighty "Call of Duty Mobile"

Screenshot from my game

I know I am guilty of playing games when I am meant to work but the truth is that the game helps me with my stress level or so I tell myself. My sister complains I play the game too much but that's a lie, I only play it when I am eating, when I walk up, when I am not working, pause a movie to play, before going to bed. Yeah, only those times and she said I play the game too much. Ladies, sign.

Anyway, I am good at the game.

I know some of you might judge, but I have reduced the way I play the game, I stopped playing the game when I wanted to drink water or eat. As you can see, there is an improvement.

So, there is it. Those two are the digital things I am guilty of always doing even when I am meant to work, sleep, or do other things.

So please don't judge me
And I won't judge you
'Cause it could get ugly
Before it gets beautiful

In chris brown voice.

Thanks for reading and have a great day.

This is my prompt entry for the weekly #digiprompts check the community above, join, and participate too. I am sure you will meet a lot of lovely people. Bye for now.

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