There should be a balance

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I know when we were quite young, we got many backlashes from older/ elderly ones about the effect of social media and how it affects our reasoning and exposes us to so many things we weren't supposed to be exposed to at a young age and yeah, they are right but then, I believe that as we grow up, we grow out of so many things like dwelling on social media all day especially when we have a responsibility to meet and a need to tackle.

I may be wrong about that, but I am using myself as a case study, there was a time when I had all the time in the world to fiddle with my phone and live on social media all day long without a worry about my next meal, how to pay my rent, how to meet the need and responsibility of my family, how to cater for my self and meet my daily essentials needs but now, it's different, it is on a different level.

I am mindful of the people or things I want to view and I am very conscious about the people whose posts I want to use daily, they must be educational, detailed informative and meet my daily needs as an individual and a lady, and lastly, I find scrolling through social media now more as an avenue to keep my mind off most stuff and it helps.

We all know that on social media especially on Facebook, people are now conscious and skeptical about what they post, how they comment, and everything because they do know that Mark doesn't waste time on either putting a restriction on one account or banning the account, so I feel everything is on minimal, regardless, it doesn't change the fact that social media is what it is.

It has its positive and negative side, and it is pertinent that everyone has a balance there. Social media is now monetized, so many people post good stuff to either encourage us or post horrible things but at the end of the day they get paid when a large number of users vote, like, or comment on it, so it is in our place to select and sieve what we want to scroll open on our social media handle not to trigger things and expose us to danger.

When the covid came, many churches did their services in the comfort of their homes, most churches that weren't adapting to the digital world had to buy the idea, and although they struggled at first, social media helped them to keep their audience till the curfew was called off.

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Also, people now use social media as an avenue to learn whatever craft they intend or wish to learn but can't because of one reason or the other, and I don't think there is anyone who has not learned one or two things from using social media. Maybe not necessarily craft, it could be something as simple as learning how to cook a particular way different from what we used to cook, a correct pronunciation, or spelling of words we didn't know and I could go on with the list.

Apart from when we let our youthful exorbitant take over our frame of mine and rule us to do some things we weren't supposed to do, I don't think there is anyone who doesn't know when to draw the line/curtain except for toddlers, but toddlers too can feel and perceive when they do something not right especially when we let them know it is wrong by our reaction.

Young men and women are putting good use to social media to earn income and for most who love fame, earn a name for themselves, and are good at what they do, all thanks to social media, many people are getting big-time well-paying jobs while they sit at the comfort of their homes, many are selling their goods, rendering their services and displaying their products all through the help of social media and I am glad it is here.

I am glad people are no longer believing that "Social Media cause more harm than good" not that it wipes that away but I feel it is helping thousands. Is social media bad, Yes! Is it good Yes! But it is up to everyone to decide what they choose for newspapers

Nobody is an island, so knowledge from different people with experiences which now happen more on social media can help one walkout of whatever they wish to walk out of, back then, we got news mostly from newspapers but with the current look of things I am assuming that newspaper is now in extinction and those who were working newspaper company are either out of job or gotten something else to do for themselves because information travels very fast and gets to the internet or social media within a seconds

Many of us get courage, knowledge, encouragement, faith, determination, and the spur to be a better version of ourselves by just going through another person's life Vlog or history on their wall. Are they true, I wouldn't know, but what I can vividly say is that social media has its good and bad which I accept but it is in our place to choose what we want and not want. Good thing it has the "follow button", block button, "friend button", "things or people you don't want to see", and the rest of the buttons and it helps us select and decide what we want and doesn't want.

Thank you for reading through!!!

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