How the internet has changed the way we access knowledge


Hi everyone one welcome to my blog
In a world driven by information and technology the use of internet can not be over emphasize as the Internet gives humans access to various information which are available ranging from paid informations to free ones.
Before the inspection of the Internet the early man visited libraries and read journals to get information, information was also gotten through news papers and electronic medium from radio broadcast to television broad casts and then the Internet


After the inception of computers and the Internet particularly here in my country Nigeria people had to visit cyber cafe's to access the Internet because computers weren't so affordable and also occupies space together with the fact that the internet devices of the early computers had to be configured on a mini mass . Then you had to buy internet time and sometimes people had to go for night browsing as it were .

With the advancement of technology all that has changed as the sizes of the computers were reduced from the main frame to desktop and to laptop now smart phones the use of the Internet has become a lot easier all you need to do is subscribe to a y of the telecommunications network with your smart device and you can use the Internet from the comfort of wherever you find yourself in respective of the place and time

Google which is the biggest search engine in the world today was founded in the late nineties and since it's inception the use of physical libraries and journals for information has reduced as a person could literally search whatever information they need from the comfort of their phones and this has helped to save time with a lot of other benefits like you can get access to various materials from different parts of the world


Personally as I like to use Google for information ranging from laptop repair to phone repairs and school information and farming tips and ideas for my small tomatoes garden and the last search I made on Google was due to the fact that a snake shred it's skin in the location where my garden is located just two days after I cleared the place and before transplanting.

This was the reason my recent search on t Google was on how to keep reptiles and rodents away from my garden and the information I got has been very useful although there were various responses I am using the cheapest one available to me at the moment which is keeping my surroundings clean

Thank you for reading

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