My strategies for creating a meaningful and impactful digital content

Digital content is regarded as any information which can be created, stored and shared on digital platforms. These information may be on form of text such as articles, e-books, images, videos, documents and a few to mention. Moreso, the digital platforms which contents can be stored, created or shared are some platforms such as websites, mobile apps and social media.


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Fortunately, one of the beauties of this century is the invention digital platforms. These digital platforms has made things easier than before. One of the ease they provide is that they have now served as archive which datas and other documents such as image, write-ups and other useful materials of which these documents can be retrieved whenever their needs arise.
Once again, I am Afolayan Abdulrahmon and I have been creating content digitally ever before joining hive. The digital contents I involved myself are just two and they are article writing and video creation.
Fortunately, this blessed digital platform called hive has positively influence the improvement of my digital content creation such as articles or write up development skill. Thanks to a friend and mentor of mine, @moremoney28 for the encouraging me to be part of this platform and for his mentorships on how to get it done easily after becoming a member of this blessed platform.
Now, let me now narrate how I make my digital content meaningful and impactful. Over time, I have realized that in all human activities, endeavors or pursuit, people usually appreciate what they consider to be meaningful and impactful to them especially when it seems to be a solution to their problem or pains that is why economists concluded that sole aim of doing business should be to solve problems. If business proffers solution to human problems, it can then brings financial benefits i.e money. For his reason, a philosopher said and I quote "chase excellence, success will chase you".
Therefore, before embarking on creating any content digitally, I decide the type of content I want to create I make use of one of the principle of economics which is what to produce by firstly trying to understand the want or need of the population I am targeting for the content. There are many things to base the creation of digital content on and this includes current affairs, hot or urgent national and international issues, comedy and many more but I base my digital creation majorly on current, national and international affairs. I write to commend government when whenever they perform excellently in discharging their obligations as expected and I try to show concern on masses whenever hardship exist because right from time altruism and service to humanity has been my topmost passion and seeing people happy and smiling usually be my exciting moment.


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whenever there is a national or international issue while addressing the issue particularly if it's an issue that citizens or people view differently, I try to maintain at the middle, I will neither support nor against but I just create and avenue through my digital content for people to submit their opinion without abusing or faulting other's thought or view.
Furthermore, I address hardships when they exist and proffer solutions to how individuals may transit from being hopeless to being hopeful as we all know that hardship brings hopefulness, as regards this, recently, I made post on hive on how I have been strengthening in hard times. Moreso, I made digital content on motivational issue and I have observed that whenever I create and motivational digital content I get a lot of positive responses. For instance, in the month of June, 2024 I.e last month I made a post on hive on the topic titled "Dream and it's price of fulfillment". Funny enough, I made this post the second day I joined hive after receiving the training amd mentorship from @moremoney28, the post was voted by many, I received may comments and countless feedbacks who gave me kudos and I was also selected as one of the writers to be voted along other three writers at hive naija community. Although, I couldn't won the the but at least I was excited that the blessed hive naija community found the article meaning and impactful.
Furthermore, I noticed that most people are less concern about the content of any digital write-ups, they need colourful and beautiful pictorial illustration. So dor this reaso, I do attach pictures to my digital contents.

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