My Digital Guilty Pleasures.

As a Nigerian, you will agree with me that living in this digital world, you can easily be carried away with lot of online activities that at first it might looks quite harmless but trust me can become guilty pleasures. Most of the things that we did in the digital world that we actually do, we don't really know it is guilty but quite at first harmless. Well everyone have their own personal digital guilty pleasures but today I will be confessing mine also 😂

I will say the First one I will mentioned is my addiction to watching TV shows. Not until recently I begin to deal with it and reduce the rate I get myself glued with TVs shows, I mean any movies be it Bollywood, American movies. I can stay on my phone for hours watching it series by series that I will watch it and watch it. And yes, my favourite partner in crime is my power bank. As far as my power bank is fully charged, I can continue to watch it again and again without not getting tired. I am so sure that a lot of us are also in my shoe I am also.

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If you are a Nigerian, you will be thinking data cost can be a concern for me but well it is not. There are internet bundles that have been designed for streaming and so this has continued to make it more tempting and difficult for me to resist the temptation when it comes calling. There are days I will spend my entire weekend watching the latest shows. In fact I have sacrificed my tasks like washing clothes or even cooking at times to attend to watching my shows.

Another guilty digital pleasure I will say I am guilty of us is the aspect of scrolling through skxial Media. I call this one the ultimate trime drainer. It is really a time trainer actually I must confess. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and my favourite social media partner Facebook. Even though sometimes I tried to console myself that I am trying to catch up with the latest update of the world, I discovered that I will have spent hours on social media at times as I scroll through. I will say social media has become more than a place of leisure for many of us, it has become a market place for business and much more and for some of us, it has been a means for us to keep up to date with the latest gist happening around the country.

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Then the other digital guilty pleasure I will need to confess about is been constantly lost in video games. I will even say the rate I am glued to video games nowadays has reduces compared to before. Till now, I have not seen anything quite so addictive as video games and video games deserved to be among the list of my digital guilty pleasures. With the optimisations of smartphones taking shape and the use of gaming consoles in video games right now, I will say getting lost in the world of game has become common and this is not limited to me also but also to people reading this, you will agree with me.

One of the games I can spend hours playing also is FIFA either with my friends or even personally. I have found myself several times trying to develop myself in the gaming world and I can traced it back to even the pandemic period when there was much time to spend during lockdown. And over the years, I will admit that it has become a way of me connecting with my friends and getting myself entertained.

In conclusion, I will say those digital guilty pleasures are just pleasures which some of us can not avoid. Sometimes they give us joy way beyond what we can get by ourselves and make us to relax from this stress world. But like they always says everything in this world requires balance and I believe there is need for us to find balance even in the digital age we find ourselves in. I will end by saying one of the most important key to apply to those digital pleasures as it were us Moderation.

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