My Formula For Peak Performance

Over the years, I have come to realize my secret to easily succeed at whatever I want is how I think towards that thing. On days where I don’t mind the results I get from what I’m doing, I just go “rambo“, no structure, no organization, just do whatever I want and go my way. On the days I really want to get a collected desired results, I go “Florence Nightingale”. However, whether Rambo or Florence, the number one thing I do is to psych my mind.

After just the normal way of doing it, I also visit my sticky notes app called freeform. I know I have been gatekeeping this app for a while from some people, I’m sorry. Freeform helps me with sticking my notes. I normally visit the words of affirmation board first to affirm certain things I would need for my mind that day. My affirmations board is my favourite place to visit in the morning.

I have seen how going there has been reflecting in how I effectively go about my tasks. There were days I ignored my affirmations board completely and then at the end of the day I felt like Judas. Completely betrayed and disappointed myself, my future husband (I’m sorry my love) and my ancestors just because I couldn’t achieve what I wanted to achieve during the day.

Now, it’s actually funny how I’ve realized I need podcasts to be able to do a really good job at cleaning. I like cleaning a lot. If you stay with me, you’ll probably be pissed at how I often I clean but I realized that I do it better when I’m listening to podcasts. It’s safe to say listening to podcasts helps me clean well and I love it. So yes, I might psych my mind to clean but without listening to podcasts, I would do a normal job but give me podcast to listen to and you’ll be seeing your face in the tiles after I’m done mopping.

I can’t even talk about all of this and leave widget out. I am a full widget Queen. I need my widgets in order to be 100% productive no matter what I am doing. Which is why I have put all the important things together as widgets. I have recognized my daily pattern and have just brought them together there so it’s easy to maneuver my way through whatever I have to do.

I know people might be pissed at me for putting this at the latter but in my defense, I saved the best for the last. Sometimes, when I’m too tired to do anything yet, too energetic to rest, I visit the digital lifestyle discord server. It’s one of the prettiest servers I’ve come across actually. I go there to unwind with music and games and just like that I go through a beautiful reset to continue my tasks.

These are my top secrets and you better not share with anyone. I mean of course, unless you are ready to meet me in court.

Images are screenshots from the various apps

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