First Time In A Limo- WorldBuilding EXPO


Have you ever sat in a limo than to have a whole coaching session in one? Fancy huh? In all my 95 years on this earth, Tuesday was the first time I got to sit in a limo. Oh no, I’m not 95 years, I added the years I lived in my previous life before this one. Don’t mind me. Before anything, I would like to add that it was a virtual limo… don’t say booo because the virtual limo was actually moving. I believe some people already have an idea about what I’m saying but for those who are clueless, come with me.

On Tuesday, there was an Expo on gobrunch. Expo is basically like an exhibition event where people, companies or businesses showcase their brands and whatever they want to showcase. Gobrunch is a fancy virtual platform where you can hangout with people for meetings and stuff. You might be wondering why I added fancy but hold on you’ll find your answers soon. So this particular expo had so many attendees from all over the world. It was so fun.

Now, just like how discord has servers, gobrunch has rooms. When you enter a room on gobrunch, that’s when you understand why I added the word “fancy”. I entered so many rooms and they were so beautiful. Let me start from the top. When I attended the Expo, I was first sent to the big lobby or hall where I saw everyone who was at the expo (300+ people) but they probably were in different rooms and meetings. I got to even choose where to sit, I mean I’m familiar with gobrunch, thanks to the virtual knitgroup by Artemis so I already knew this.



There were so many rooms, so so many. I lost count actually. The only way to keep up with which room was presenting at what point was to follow the agenda session which I didn’t in the beginning. I was just roaming, jumping from one room to another. People are really creative because some rooms were too beautiful to leave. I was just imagining how those rooms would look like if they were real rooms.

At one point, it actually felt like I was at a face to face expo. I got to learn a lot of things and had access to so much information for free and I know these are information I would have paid for on a normal day. I got to meet so many amazing people, I did some networking and even received a free career coaching session too. I got to speak to a mental health coach as well where we discussed certain issues going on amongst the youth and how to deal with them.








I went on a roller coaster, zip line, I drove a benz and went on a ride at the country side with people. I even got on a plane to somewhere, I don’t even know. I had a meeting in a limo, it was so cool. Yes, all of this was virtual and at the expo. How cool is that? Oh did I talk about the ship experience with people serving us and all? There was even a whole beach in one of the rooms! Hah! I could go on and on but this is the best expo I’ve ever attended.

I got to register for so many upcoming events from different organizations. The freebies were a lot. There were even free wallpapers at the fiberarts gallery. Oh I got to know for the first time that Ghana was hot cake. Anytime, I entered a room and then they were like “where are you from” and I said “Ghana”, they would go like “wowww, the country with beautiful colors” or “the country on top of my list” It was really nice hearing all those things about my country.








I feel like the organizers outdid themselves. The rooms were so beautiful and I still can’t get over some of them. I know how sometimes it’s just hard to bring your dreams to reality but the rooms that were built for the expo? flawless! You could see that so much work, time and attention was put in it. It was amazing to sit at the comfort of my home and interact with people all over the world.

You want to check out all that I’m talking about? Find it here: worldbuilding

All images are Screenshots from the worldbuilding expo on gobrunch

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