Trying out the Zebra Stripe

These buds have been curing for around a month, and with the minimum amount of time waited I am trying out these nugs. Normally three months is needed for a full cure. But I can start enjoying them now, as most of the leafy taste is gone. I take a jar and pour it out on a tray so we can have a closer look at the buds.

Lots of crystals, and purple nugs. Looking at the parent strains that made Zebra Stripe it could have THC levels as high as 25% The purple colors come through when the buds get cold while the lights are off. The tent got down to around 65F some nights which started turning the buds that color. 55F we would have seen an even more dramatic color shift. Loving purples

Its always hard waiting for the buds to cure enough, they smell so good when I open the jars to burp them. The fruity smell is very strong. When I harvested these plants it made the whole place smell like dank fruit smell.

Looking inside the jars everything is drying nicely. I need to make sure buds do not clump together, a gentle shake will dislodge any that have done that.

Breaking up the buds in my grinder I put them out on a card to hold it. I pack my Volcano vaporizer and try out the Zebra Stripe strain. Its fruity, just like its smell. The flavor is quite strong. The feeling is good too, I think I am really going to enjoy this strain once it fully cures. The buds get stronger the more time I wait during this stage. But it was great to try out some of it to see how its coming along.

The Zweet Inzanity plants are doing well, vegging and getting bigger.

I have topped them once now, and also trimmed the under branches no longer getting light. So hopefully they form some really strong nodes going up and will be ready in a week or so to go outside. Currently it is still getting too cold at night to bring them outside, with temperatures getting down into the 30s I need to wait until this no longer happens. But soon it will be time.

Soon I will reach the point of no return for these plants, and will be destined to grow outside. Already getting quite big in the tent, but outside I plan on giving them lots of room.

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