Wild Harvest: The Essence of Hashish in the Mountains

Hello Hive Family. I hope you all are healthy.

Friends, the rainy season is still going on in the mountains. These days the cannabis plants are fully ready. These days the lovers of hashish extract hashish from these plants for their use. Although it is illegal, but these days some people extract hashish for their own use. Which is a common thing here because these wild cannabis plants grow here naturally every year.

So today I also feel like smoking hashish, so I also broke some branches of cannabis from the forest and brought it. 😁

Making hashish from cannabis leaves is a difficult task. First of all, I remove its leaves and start rubbing its buds with light hands. By rubbing them for a long time, sticky juice (hash) starts sticking to the hands. After rubbing its buds continuously for an hour, hashish got stuck to my hand.

After that I take it out in a plastic bag and collect its seeds separately, then in the evening I enjoy hashish in the forest near the house. It smells like cedar and raw lemon. There is a different pleasure in hashish made by your own hands. 😜👽👽

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.

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