Growing Cannabis Day 4: "Just keep soaking it" - Dr. Vindaloo

I don't know what to show you that you haven't already seen before.

It's dirt made wet.

It's day 4 of growing my 4th(?) set of cannabis plants.

Raked the yard a bit. Picked up some trash. Waiting on trash day... Pulled some shrubs from around my Laurel de flor (Nerium oleander)

This one gives white flowers.

It dropped all it's leaves and is started to come back. I almost panicked when it all fell off at once. Had me thinking it was poisoned for some odd reason.


But no, it's all good. False alarm. Some of its branches I tor off by hand. If it breaks of easily i take it and burn it in my oven when it gets cold.

Much of the grass that you have seen is dying off but not quite dead. It's just doing it's thing. It's basically been a playground for my cats. They love tall grass. And so do I. It's beautiful when it's all green. But like any dying grass, it's time to mow it down a few notches.

I'll save the grass in a pile and burn it later or use it as a cover for when the plants start growing to keep the moisture underneath intact. So it's a win win.

Wish I had more of it. Sometimes after a long day, I'll act the lion and just lay there in peace and have a siesta.

I'm not worried on ticks either. They never bite me for some reason. Fleas on the other hand, thankfully I haven't seen any here at-all. Must be a north American thing. When I used to live in Missouri my house got plagued with it in one day I was away. Came home to jumping carpets. Immediately I turned up the heat in my home and called in for an exterminator. Horrible itching. Worse than mosquitoes.

But even these blood suckers are far better than these pair of cia victim or agents parasites taking the fall for "muh cunttree".


Is this the result of the radical feminization of men, and MK ultra victims?

Was it really a lone gun man? Hard to tell and we may never know that. What I do know is that it smells a lot like bullshit.


Hmmm maybe....

Another incident happened in New York where a bridge troll off|ic|e|rror|404 shot a few rounds into a public area at a man who skipped paying the $2.90usd subway tax.

Can't pass this bridge unless you pay the toll or else you get put in the hole.

Oh but he didn't do just that. Oh no. He shot other people as well. On "accident". Claimed that the suspect who had his back turned at him was holding a knife. No knife was found by the way. But the NYPD marked it off as job well done even though, one of the extra civilians that was shot by this reckless npc policy enforcer, was another npc policy enforcer. One of the the civilians, from the last time I checked, was still alive even after being shot in the head.

IDK if he's still alive though.

Crazy world we live in.


Today I am smoking a bud of "OG kush" it's an indica plant. Smells good.

My glass bong broke recently so an apple, a plastic bottle some electrical tape, two plastic tubes I found at work, and a 10mm socket does the trick. Add water and you got a bong at no cost.

Bottle getting dirt? No problem just use a different one. But I do have tequila bottles too...



Smoke on everyone.

Oh and we did finish this for now. Had other places to go so this took about 3 hours to do.


This whole area is going to be one big weed bush lol
Can't wait.



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