My plants died - lessons learnt

Hi all,

The plants got cooked!

A few people commented that my light was too far away from the plants, whilst they are correct I don't think this was the main problem.

Prior to putting under the light the plants were in a heated incubator with a cover over it to keep it dark, from previous experience I could have left them like this for at least another day.

Approximately 6 hours after putting under light they were brown, probably already dead, I switched off the incubator, removed the lid and raised the light (which was already too far away), the heat inside the incubator was far too high! Plumes of steam were coming from the base!

I think using a 600w HPS for seedlings was too much and the heated incubator was WAY too much!

Thinking back to my old grows, I don't think I lost more than 1 or 2 plants in 100! My recent experiences seem to be the opposite ratio!

I didn't used to use incubators let alone heated ones, I think I did use peat discs on occasion but mostly used lightmix in small pots before transplanting to larger pots. I think the most likely suspect is the light, I used to use a CFL, I think it was a 300w, during veg period, not that I think it's relevant but I also used cool tubes for the flowering period with 2x600w HPS. I don't think I ever put the CFL in a tube.

So my plan now is to purchase a 250/300w CFL and a cool tube, the tube may be overkill but I need a successful start and it is useful for controlling heat in flower period too. I'm also going to ditch the incubator, or at least not turn it on!

I'm going to have to live on beans and rice for a while but hopefully worth the sacrifice!

The biggest problem is still getting the lightmix! The rest I think I can put in my rucksack but I don't fancy carrying a 50L bag of soil 5km then on a bus then another 2km to get it home! I may have to order it online, I don't like the idea as couriers can never seem to find my house! Also I don't know if it would be covered, I don't like to advertise what I'm doing! I think I'm going to have to beg a friend to give me a lift, not fond of that either, they drive like nutters round here! 🤮

Whatever I decide to do I need to do it quickly!




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