Farming Tales real honey is officially available

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Good morning everyone ,

from this moment the stake for the Foraging Bees inside the hives to produce real Farming Tales honey is officially available.

Here in Italy we are going through a fairly positive season from the point of view of bee health, but not particularly good for honey. Unfortunately it hasn't rained for several months, and the most important blooms have been partially compromised by the heavy drought. However, we expect to be able to harvest honey of excellent quality.

To stake your Foraging Bees, send the corresponding NFTs to the farmingtales wallet with a memo containing the number of the hive where you want to activate the stake (you can check them) and your Discord name.

Phage | 🐝 will keep us updated on the harvest, and the honey will be made available as soon as it is harvested.

The stake will be active for the next two weeks, at the end of this period those who have not used the Forgaing Bees will have to wait for the second wave, scheduled for autumn.



If you don't know Farmingtales yet, we invite you to join our Discord. There you will find a lot of information for you to enjoy and have fun with the best NFT 3D farm game.

And if you are a Farming Tales player but don't have a Hive account, watch this tutorial and sign up to participate in this contest.

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