Lichen Perfumery: Capturing Nature's Essence

So I decided to complete my homemade perfume formula, my final ingredient is Lichen!

Oakmoss lichen has a unique earthy, woody, little musky aroma that creates seductively sensual scent, normally used as base note.

I have collected oakmoss ;Evernia prunastri as well as Ramalina Fastigiata and Ramalina Faranacea; they are all types of Lichen that can be used for scent. However, they all contain allergenic compounds not suitable for sensitive individuals.

Lichens are amazing composites of fungus and algae. They are very floaty on the branches of the trees; they look beautiful and are not parasites. They get their nutrition from the air, water vapor, and debris around them. If you see lichen in an area, it means that the air is fresh; they cannot stand pollution, especially sulfur dioxide emissions; they die. Their sensitivity to air quality makes them valuable indicators of environmental health.

Did you know that they can live for centuries? Some are considered to be the oldest living things on earth. Recently, there was news about lichen surviving the space atmosphere; they found lichen on the outside wall of the spacecraft that traveled out of space. Wow! They are tough!

After the windy day, I rushed around the village and the nearby woodland to spot fallen lichens. It is the good time to gather them.

It is best NOT to pick them from the tree because it takes a long time for them to grow; they only grow 0.5-1.5 inches per year.

I gathered enough of them to complete my homemade perfume!

Distilling is a fun bit ( I will post about it in the future). Boiling, steaming and collecting the aromatic drops patiently.

Picking the top notes, middle, and the base notes; imagination leads you to create what you desire. Blending them all is very exciting, then sniffing the final scent is the reward.

Homemade perfume is finished with an enticing scent; the invigorating bergamot, mildly followed by a mild exotic touch of ylang-ylang, the sweet gentle scent of rose, then musky patchouli gives way to the earthy vibe of oakmoss, bringing a touch of mystery and a dash of sensuality.

A scent at hand, bringing pleasant and beautiful memories.
The captured essence of the natural world.

Thank you for reading.
Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Mariah 💚😊

My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw
(all photos and words are my own)

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