Royal Fungus from Krakow- and a small collection of uncategorized shrooms

Another Friday has dawned.

Yes, I know, for me already several hours ago, but it happens that the dishcloth reminded me about this day, mushrooms and #FungiFriday. My Friday will be a crazy one (again... or, as always?) but that little hint from a simple cloth, actually the drawing on it, pushed me to squeeze one more thing into my schedule.

To show you a little collection of uncategorized fungi that rested in my drafts for some time.


The oldest among this collection is a photo of a Sleeping fungus on the stump, from July 2023. It has been found and seen in a place where the grass is always green. Where the parks are full of trees and the rain invites the mushrooms to grow. Where this fungus grew to make a company to a lonely stump but got tired and fell asleep. {which reminds me that I need one more coffee}


A very special, Royal Mushroom is living in The Kingdom Without Limits in Krakow - @krolestwo.
How lucky he is - there are workshops, language lessons, music and Hive meetups in his natural habitat.


Attached (or grown there) to one side of a bookshelf - a smart fungus it has to be. Also, in this Kingdom the little invented creatures were born, and among them the one I adopted in October, Prince Hefromund XVI.



The next mushroom in this little collection was seen and touched during one of the excursions to the mountains. It was dried and someone took it out from the ground.


Prince Hefromund, who used to have that mushroom in his kingdom, also found one! It was like playing hide and seek 😂



During the month of December, we visited a few craft markets in our area.

I saw ceramic hanging mushrooms (which were little bells).


The same stall, ceramic items, but different designs...

I guess it is something like Amanita Muscaria.


In one Christmas market, there were little crochet mushrooms.

So sweet, aren't they?


Another stall - stuffed mushroom... Sounds like food, but recipes will not come here right now.

Luckily, I don't have to cook today, but still, we are back to the culprit for this post - the dishcloth that I saw in the kitchen this morning!


It opens and closes this little contribution to the #FungiFriday event, today without the help of The Little Grey Hood... I have a performance 🎶, hmm... very soon, but I guess she is still out there, searching for real mushrooms. :D


Those who want to participate can read the guidelines here.


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