Giant mushrooms!

I am looking at the photos of these mushrooms I met today and simply don't know how to start the post... It is still unbelievable to me, and there are huge chances you will not believe me either but that is the truth - Giant mushrooms, taller than people exist! 😱

They live in the city of Alicante, Spain. The street's official name is San Francisco Street, but when I typed in search of my navigation "Calle de las setas" (Mushroom Street), it was also immediately recognized. The map's indications took me exactly there - to the giant, human-like mushrooms.

You see, it is quite unbelievable, as many times we see so small, cute, tiny mushrooms and we simply can't imagine this.

We have to see and touch them to believe!!


So, are you ready to take this walk in the company of Giant Fungi Gentlemen with me? Let's go.

I parked my car in the harbour of Alicante and walked for just a few minutes when I arrived at the Portal de Elche. There starts this street and its main attraction, as you will see in the following photos.



The mushrooms are 4 metres tall, according to the info I found here and were made by José María Escrivá. Apparently, the street had a gloomy appearance and it was not safe and attractive to the citizens, nor the tourists. The solution was found - improve its appearance and place these huge mushroom figures, paint the pavement, fix the facades, open more shops and restaurants etc.

It seems that they got a good result - now it is one of the most visited streets in this part of the city.


And it is not just the mushrooms that are interesting here but also the little snails, bugs and insects that live on their hats. There was one yellow snake on the top of one mushroom:


Also a few ants, ladybugs and more cute snails :))




I tried to capture the whole mushrooms but unfortunately, the lady I asked to take this photo was not really paying attention to the face and the hat of the Giant Fungus... she cut them off hahaha. So, what you see here is that I am hugging a mushroom stalk. 😂


Anyway, I still strolled in this street a bit and also saw slides and smaller mushroom houses.

These were so cool but also already worn out - I guess many people (adults, not just children) enter these houses and take photos popping out from these holes. At least that is what I saw today 😁


I hope you also enjoyed this cool encounter with the Giant mushrooms in the #Mushroomstreet.

I did, a lot and even better it happened today, on Friday, when it is time for #FungiFriday! 🍄



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