Fungifriday / four types of mushrooms that have their own beauty

by visiting my plantation yesterday I was very lucky to be able to get several types of mushrooms to share on this very happy occasion in this beloved community.

By going to the plantation yesterday I felt very happy and happy because I had not visited the plantation for several months and was immediately greeted by durian trees that were already bearing fruit. Even though there wasn't much fruit, I felt very grateful and happy. .

When I was walking around the durian trees looking for durian fruit, maybe one fell. Suddenly I saw brown mushrooms that were round like crackers with a hard texture. I immediately captured this moment with my cellphone camera which was seen lying on the wood under the durian tree.

With another name on Google it is known as MICROPORUS

Di atas batang pohon durian yang saya tebang beberapa tahun lalu dan sudah membusuk. Ada juga jamur berwarna kemerahan yang bentuknya seperti kipas dan jamur ini sering terlihat meskipun di musim panas, berbeda dengan jamur lainnya yang sering terlihat di musim hujan dan di bulan ini juga sering turun hujan sehingga banyak jenis jamur lain yang tumbuh dan berkembang.

With another name on Google it is known as PYCNOPORUS SANGUINEUS

On a durian tree trunk that is damp but not yet rotten. There is a very unique mushroom with its shape like a white spine that stands out. Its uniqueness is really strange but provides a valuable surprise because I have never seen this mushroom and it is this unique.

With another name on Google it is known as HYDNOPHORA

After photographing these three types of mushrooms under the durian tree, I looked in other directions and hoped to find other types of mushrooms. Not far from them, I noticed another mushroom that was still attached to the side of my areca palm tree, also approaching and capturing every corner. Which is a brown, slightly purple mushroom and slightly whitish below.

With another name on Google it is known as LINGZHI

After photographing these four beautiful mushrooms, I felt lucky and grateful. By visiting the plantation I was able to produce pictures of them and I can show them on this occasion so that friends can see the shape and beauty of these mushrooms which have their own charm through the pictures I have shared.

This is my contribution to #fungifriday organized and curated by @ewkaw

Okay hiver friends, that's a short story that I can share on this occasion. Hopefully hiver friends like it and this photo will be the most beautiful photo when you see it, I hope my post can entertain you all. Thank you very much for the support you provide by reading my blog. I hope you have a great day until we meet again in the next post.

I took photos with a POCO M4 Pro cellphone and I edited using the Lightroom and incollage applications.

NOTE: I wrote it in Indonesian with the help of Google Translate into English.

Camera UsedSmartphone
ModelPOCO M4 Pro
LocationAceh, Indonesia

Thank you for your support and visits

Best Regards @frizzy97

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