Frosty mushrooms

Friday, 9th of December 2022

Well, good evening #FungiLovers across the world and blockchain. Are you excited to see some more amazing fungi captures? I sure am! I’ve already visited a few spanking new articles in #FungiFriday community this morning and they inspired me to embark on another fungi hunt in a nearby forest.

3 hours, 12k steps and 100’s pictures later I am back home, all sweaty and excited to share my trophies with you all! I’m not sure what I was expecting to find on this frosty morning. The temperatures in England have dropped below 0 during this past week and I was excited to see frosty landscape when I woke up this morning, as for the first time the minus temperature continued well into the day.

I jumped out of bed and run into my garden to takes some super cool pictures. I’ll leave these for the #HiveGarden post later this weekend. I then shared my excitement in Noise.App if you like a sneaky preview of what’s to come in later articles 💙

Back to the forest though. I’m really unsure what I was hoping to find there? A huge, frosty Porcini perhaps? Needless to say I found none of it, but I sure found lots of fresh air, a few dogs with their owners, lost of endorphins and a few mushrooms too.

Some of them were broken and laying upside down, but still looked beautiful to my #GaiaLover eye. It’s really frost that I wanted to capture more than anything else. Frost and snow doesn’t really happen often in the South of England, where I live. I guess that is why I really get excited like a child when I see frosty surroundings.

My favourite coral fungi clearly don’t do well when temperatures drop. I only found one of the orange variety hanging on to that tree trunk. Its colour still amazes me every time I see it.

Those little cuties almost managed to hide from me in the quiet forest. I thought it was some rubbish laying around, until I looked closer and saw their micro heads. I almost kneeled to capture them and that’s not a good idea in this weather 😂

They were so tiny I really wished I’ve already worked out how my macro lenses work. It has so many pieces and probably requires me to read instructions and I really dislike them. So I continue to be a lazy photographer and what you see is just my 5x zoom on my iPhone camera, not really a macro.

Once I spotted one of these, the whole families showed up too, screaming ‘Me, me next!’. So I captured a few of them, while huffing and puffing, as I was walking up the hill for quite some time before I reached them.

Wondering why I call it a #QuietForest ? It’s because it’s the only part of the forest that I can’t hear my own footsteps when I walk around it. This part of #Lordwoods is occupied by conifers. There are no deciduous trees around and as much as I love the sound of dry leaves under my feet, I also love the sound of silence in the quiet forest.

It’s almost like I enter another Universe when I walk into this part of the forest. Just silence and an occasional sound of a bird around. Pure bliss 😍

No wonder I walk around with a smile on my face and dogs going crazy when they see me. They sure can feel the peace a love emanating from my energy field.

That brings me back to my pondering while I was walking… I have no doubt that @ewkaw has a real soft spot for mushrooms. There is no doubt that they are fascinating creatures. But do you guys really think that Fungi pictures is her only motivation for creating this amazing #FungiFriday community? Nahh, I really feel there is more to it that meets the eye.

I can recognise another witch when I meet one! Not a scary one from the cartoons! The modern witch that I wrote about here. The kind that spreads good vibes, feels everything and make you wanna be a better version of yourself.

I mean… think about it. What do you need to do in order to take pictures of fungi. You have to go for a walk, ideally into the forest. You’re ‘forced’ to exercise, breathe in fresh air, be exposed to the secret session of aromatherapy and look around you, observe, connect with momma nature on another level. You need to squat and even get on your knees to take that perfect picture that later you will share with us here.

It’s no secret that I’m totally in love with mushrooms and forests, but would I have enough motivation to go there on a cold winter morning? I highly doubt it. And yes, I have an album full of mushrooms already, but the curiosity of what I can find and a will to share with this amazing community has forced me to wrap myself in some warm clothes, put my wellies on and go.

Just go as far as your feet will take you… Up and down the hills, to the left and to the right and around the stream. Until you find another mushroom

That’s how you know that you’re under the spell of a modern witch 😉

Lots of love to you Ewka! 💙

Thank you @riverflows for this amazing banner you’re created for me 💙

Until next time 💙

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