FungiFriday - Schizophyllum commune

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I forgot I still had these mushrooms unpublished. And for once I managed to ID them (correctly, I hope). I don't always can and then I just leave them nameless. As I keep saying - it is nice to know what they are, but it is not mandatory to enjoy them.

Schizophyllum commune

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I found a small croup of them growing on a dead cork tree. But are not strictly attached to this type of wood, as some other mushrooms are. Any rotten wood will do and make them feel at home.

They looked so nice and lush back in October. This is when I shot them. All the rain and moisture trapped in bark created perfect conditions. But as soon as spring comes, they dry up and look pretty much dead for months until next fall and more cool rains.

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Here is a interesting info:

The species was regarded as nonpoisonous by Orson K. Miller Jr. and Hope H. Miller, who considered it to be inedible due to its smallness and toughness. Because the mushrooms absorb moisture, they can expand during digestion. However, some sources indicate that it contains antitumor and antiviral components.

In Northeast India, in the state Manipur, it is known as kanglayen and one of the favourite ingredients for Manipuri-style pancakes called paaknam. In Mizoram, the local name is pasi (pa means mushroom, si means tiny) and it is one of the highest rated edible mushrooms among the Mizo community.

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You may be wondering why, in a world, I shoot the bottom of them so many times? Well.. because it is pretty. The delicate ruffles create such lovely patterns. That's why :)

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A perfect little circle. You can see here how the gills split towards the edges, keeping the tight patterns.

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Now that we are done admiring the lovely undersides, time for the top view. Not as nice in my opinion, but it is good to have the whole picture, right?

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A fuzzy top is lighter than the bottom with slightly darker edges.
No, I did not touch them. I was busy shooting and then I forgot... typical.

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How to join #FungiFriday:

  • when Friday comes (UTC time) post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, I will check and report stolen images or text!)
  • add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)
  • Include "My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw" anywhere in your post.

Happy FungiFriday!

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

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