rusty gilled polypore at the beach

this is my contribution to FungiFriday by ewkaw

not long ago i featured Gloeophyllum sepiarium rusty-gilled polypore or conifer mazegill from various walks. today i want to revisit a special find of them thriving on driftwood at Lillevik Beach.

the fungi were growing on several washed up logs

but one in particular had little clusters of fungi

spaced evenly all up and down it

all of these shots are from that one log

but as much as i want to focus on a few of the clusters

i am just as interested in capturing the seaside setting

with grains of sand on the polypores

and the features of the bleached driftwood

the beach is kept in natural condition. there isn't much surf as it is on the protected side of the otherwise open fjord

there is a river close by that carries the logs to the sea but some end up on this beach when the wind and current are right

and i will leave you with a shot similar to the previous one but here in black and white

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