Hiking tour to the Elefant Rock

            Hiking to the elephant rock

Today I was again with a group in the mountains of San Marcos at Lake Atitlan and we met a local school class who joined us. I lead tours with guests from the Hostel del Lago and take them to the most beautiful places here on the lake and explain to them how the lake was formed and what plants and animals you can discover here and what some plants can do as medicine. And thus make the hike a little more interesting because I want to pass on my knowledge.

In recent years there has been a significant increase in interest in hiking, and this can be attributed to various factors. One of the main reasons is the growing desire of many people to escape from hectic urban life and increasing stress. Hiking offers a way to escape from everyday life, relax and take a break surrounded by nature.

Closeness to nature also plays a crucial role. In a world characterized by technology and urbanization, many people consciously seek contact with nature. Hiking allows you to explore landscapes, breathe fresh air and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. This desire to experience nature is often driven by a deeper need for balance and connection with the environment.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle and increasing awareness of physical activity also contribute to the popularity of hiking. People are looking for ways to get physical activity without having to lock themselves in a gym. Hiking offers a natural alternative that not only strengthens the body, but also has positive effects on mental health.

Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has also led to increased interest in outdoor activities. Hiking allows people to maintain distance while enjoying nature. It is a form of leisure activity that can be easily implemented even in times of restrictions.

Last but not least, social media also plays a role. Sharing hiking experiences in online communities has helped create a community of like-minded people. This encourages the exchange of recommendations, tips and inspiring stories, which in turn increases interest in this activity.

In summary, the popularity of hiking is based on a complex mix of the desire for nature experiences, health consciousness, the need to relieve stress and the possibility of social distancing in our modern world.

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