Rare; The injured trader who retained her smile

Traders leave their homes early in the morning and go out there to make a living. They go out there and work their asses off. They sell their goods to us and as such, they deserve all the respect they could get in this world.


As they come out to trade, they have their motivation in mind. It could be their children, their siblings, their parents or even their own wellbeing. They hustle and sweat but yet, manage to put a smile on their face and as, they deserve a smile from us and all the good will we could give.

Today I witnessed an ill treatment of a trader and I was horrified. The lady looked about twenty-five or twenty-six years old. She was hawking bread very early in the morning joyfully. Her smile melted my heart. She was more concerned about rendering service to humanity because a lot of people live by bread, literally.

There she was, walking by the roadside. It was the right wing of the road. She couldn't see incoming vehicles because she was going the same way the vehicles went. I think she was singing joyfully and didn't even know what was about to happen.

A tricycle driver startled a motorcycle driver and the motorcycle driver dived towards her and gave her a very big injury on her knee. Now knee injuries are really painful and they often take time to heal. To top it all up, the lady was fair and she seemed to have a lot of blood. Blood kept gushing out.


The motorcycle driver immediately came to a halt, and tried his possible best to Carter for the woman while the tricycle driver alighted from his tricycle and started spitting out rubbish from his mouth. He blamed it all on the motorcycle driver. Saying all sorts of vile things to the motorcycle driver. He got hurt, you could see it from his face. After the tricycle driver finished giving his essay, he entered his tricycle and zoomed off. Come again, say what?!!! He freaking ZOOMED OFF. The lady was a calm person and so she didn't react, she just kept smiling.

He left just like that? When the accident was indirectly his fault! The hurt lady still wore a beautiful smile on her face, who does that? A normal injured person would be wailing and weeping, seeking for help. She kept smiling. Passersby came, sympathized with her and passed. At the end, the wound was properly cleaned and tended to. The Motorcycle driver got back on his business and the lady did the same. She packed her bread and clippity clop there she went, still wearing a soft and sweet smile.


These people come out to render service and not to get injuries or get killed. They have families too. We should try to be careful. We should be our brother's keeper and help whenever we can. Most especially, we should never forget to wear a smile on our faces like the injured lady. She was in pain, but the smile was more beautiful.

Thanks for reading…

With love, wongi 😊

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