Is It Really Advisable To Fake It Till You Make It?

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The concept of “fake it till you make it” is everywhere. You read it in blogs, authors write about it in their books, coaches talk about it, and friends also stir up conversations about it.

In fact, someone might have said it to you before. But I’ll want us to look at this subject of “fake it till you make it.” I have my own view on this, and that’s exactly what I want to share.

I believe you also have your view on this topic. So, without further ado, let’s jump into it.

What does the aphorism “fake it till you make it” really mean?

Well, in my opinion, the phrase "fake it until you make it" refers to the deliberate cultivation of an attitude, sensation, or sense of competence that you lack by acting as though you do for a while until it becomes real or a part of who you are.

I borrowed this definition from google because I love it. I feel this definition touches on everything about the phrase itself.

Now that we know what the phrase means, the next question will be:

Why do people want to fake it till they make it?

Neil Raman’s blog provided a very useful insight into why people buy into the “fake it to make it” concept, stating that people do so due to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in themselves, and I couldn’t agree more.

According to him, in order to compensate for our low self-esteem; we apply the concept to:

  • Prove or feel a sense of self-worth.
  • Be liked or validated by others.
  • feel good about ourselves in front of others.
  • Appear to be smarter, important, or know all the answers.
  • Come across as good enough to others.

For me, these reasons are solid enough. Now, here’s the big question:

Is it really advisable for you to fake it until you make it?

I don’t know about you, but for me; the answer is No. The word ‘fake’ means counterfeit or fraud and that says it all. No one likes to be known as fake, so why would you?

I don’t think you should ever pretend to be something that you’re not. Doing so can complicate things really fast. Every time I pretend to be something that I’m not, 2 things happen; I lose trust in myself, and I break the trust of others.

Trust is everything to me. I believe my values should be consistent with who I am anywhere I find myself; in public or in secret.

How do you feel when someone is pretending to be what they’re not and you know they’re lying through their teeth?

Immediately, their self-worth diminishes before your eyes. That’s exactly how it is when you are into the ‘fake it till you make it’ route.

What I feel is the better way

For me, it’s better to know yourself and be yourself. Learn more about you. If there’s someone you want to be like, model that person by studying his or her traits or values you admire. If there be any praise or virtue then you can copy that.

You can also apply the concept of visualization even as you work on your habits and build the confidence you need to get where you want to be.

So, what about you? Do you believe in the concept of ‘fake it till you make it?

Let me know what you think in the comment section.

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