The fight for Freedom

The meaning of the word freedom is something unique to each individual. But it is one of the common values every human yearns for.

One common scenario in the history of the world regardless of the period and location is the "fight for freedom".

Freedom is something we all desire. No matter what political stance, religion, or race you might identify with.

Many wars have been described as a “fight for freedom”. The fight for freedom has been on for centuries, since the time of slavery. Slaves fought for freedom and their rights, the poor people fought for their rights, and the women fought for their rights. And to some extent, those are still the fights that continue today

Many people have fought for freedom at some point in history. Some of them have lost their lives in the process of gaining liberty. However, others were successful in liberating themselves, their fellow men, or even the whole society from oppression. Not all the men and women who fought for freedom are still remembered today, many have become unsung heroes

## The unchangeable Human nature

From history, we can observe that it is human nature for the powerful or the strong (be it a person or country) to capture or enslave or try to get enormous influence over the powerless or the weak (be it also a person or a country).

Even though the modern world has changed in various aspects such as law, human rights, and technology. But, human nature which makes the strong to capture or make the weak bow hasn’t changed.

Just like it is human nature for the strong to oppress the weak, it can also be said it is also human nature for the weak to fight back its whomever they see as their oppressors or enslaver. That’s where the fight for freedom comes.

## The continuous fight

Centuries over centuries we see a group or race or nationality oppress another group, race, or nationality. And we have seen oppressed groups, races or nations fight back for their freedom from the yoke of oppression or slavery.

The fight between the oppressed and the oppressor is summed up in a story like this.

Imagine a young boy chasing a rat to kill it. The young child chases the rat until they both got to a cul-de-sac, the rat sees there is nowhere to escape again and has only one choice and that is to fight back.
The rat turns around and faces its potential murderer (the young boy) and leaps at him, the young child who wasn’t expecting the leap gets frightened and runs back. Now the rat sees an opening to escape and it does

It can be said that no matter how long it takes, the oppressed will one day fight back. And we can see that happening in different epochs in history books.

The fight for freedom is continuous because there is someone or some group of people who might want to take advantage of certain persons or groups of people. And also there will be someone or a group of people who feel they are being looked down upon and feel mistreated or suppressed seeking freedom

Lead image by Clay Banks on
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. The fight for Freedom

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