Pob-wotw - A prisoner who became the first black head of state

The victory we enjoy today, is as a result of some of our great leaders that either in one way or the other have fought effortlessly for we descendants to enjoy.

Many countries whom have gained their independence was because some people stood their ground during trials and tribulations.
There's a saying that the life is a battle and it takes the fearless ones to scale through these battles.

Talking of the great men who had contributed into the success of most countries today hindering themselves of better opportunities offered to then and conquer different tribulations by those authority in power then. NELSON MANDELA was not exempted.

Nelson mandela was the first black head of state and first elected president of south Africa. Behind every success there lies a story.

Back then, south Africa was suffering from racism, rending the blacks irrelevant. Though the most inhabitant people then was the black but was dominated by a white minority that controlled the land, Apartheid policy that governed relations between the south Africa minority, sanctioning racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against the black. Their system imposed the whites on the blacks.

Being black under the administration of the apartheid deprived blacks including Mandela's human rights and every other things meant to be enjoyed by all in the country. When he was young he was expelled from school for protesting the student government lack of power. Being black under the administration made him suffer so much hardship but because of his true intentions to liberate his people from suffering, he was undefeated.

While fighting for equality between the people of S. A, Nelson Mandela was seen as a threat to the Whites' administration and seem too powerful and undefeated for them, he was then put into 27years of imprisonment for fighting for the protection of his people against racism with hard labour. He was known as the world's best political prisoner.
He fought effortlessly for this modern south Africa, fighting for equality between the white and the black.

After 27years of been imprisoned he continued his movement, protesting against racism. He later negotiated the end of apartheid in south Africa, he put an end to racist policy.
He was later elected as the president of south Africa and first head of state, his government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by tackling institutionalised racism and fostering racial reconciliation.

After all the challenges and tribulations he was made to face and it seems not to affect him, he was INVICTUS, stood his ground for equality and later ended the racist policy.
If not for Nelson Mandela, the fate of the black in South Africa would have been nothing to write about.
He wrote a book explaining how he faced many defeats in life but how he never let himself defeated. Here

After he went from the popular political activist in prison to the first elected president he was called the Father of modern South Africa.

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