Keep hope

Keep hope

  • We as a nation have many moral evils which are the cause of our degradation, we are very morally fallen people. We don't tell the truth and without lies, none of our work is possible. Honesty is far away from us, we don't want to hear good things and dishonesty is full of us. We hold a public auction in honor of our brother. What can be more sad than this, we trust John of America that he is sincere with us, but we do not trust the brother who lives with us at home. People are afraid to do business with us lest we rob them. The reason for all this is that we have moved away from our roots, we have stopped training our children and have completely given them over to the times, now they have to give what they get.


  • There will be no one who calls himself a lover of the Prophet ﷺ more than us, but on the other hand, there will be no one who does not believe in him more than us. One reason is that you know and you don't believe deliberately, but unfortunately we don't know anything. We read the Quran but we don't understand it, we don't know what the Quran tells us. They would simply pick up a hadith or a verse of their own meaning in meetings, processions and examinations and issue fatwas on others using it as a basis. We know that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the best example for us, but we never felt the need to know how we can follow him in every aspect of our life and achieve success.


  • Neither we are told nor we seek. We always keep the religion and the world separate while they are one and the same, that's why we pray but lie in business and life. If we get even a part of these teachings, our lives will change, today's generation is very quick, it is a generation that weighs everything on a scale, and we entertain the heart of this generation with the stories of the time of patriarch Adam and I think they don't know anything. We have not told our new generation the knowledge of good and truth, the stories of great people. How sad that I believe that my generation knows about Harry Potter and Cinderella but does not know about heroes like Abdul Qadir Jilani and Sheikh Sadi Shirazi, that's why today's youth is not active. We tell them that your Prophet is the best example for you, so he asks us how and we ourselves do not know how.

  • We did not tell them the events of migration and victory because we ourselves do not know. We tell them that when the son doesn't find anything, be patient, he asks us why, we say don't be rude, then he shuts up. I wish we could tell them how our Prophet ﷺ maintained patience in the most bitter situations and faced difficulties and fought them and achieved success. We tell them to forgive others, now they don't understand why I should forgive someone who did wrong to me, but we don't tell them how our Prophet (PBUH) won their hearts by forgiving others. used to . That is why today there is no peace in our society, everywhere we find chaos and unrest.

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