Hard work Pays

Hello guys! its nice to be with you all once more. i really want to share this big experience with you guys. You know being a student is or has been alot of experience for me. I was usually that boy who wants be hailed, fill like i was already on everything but life always has a way or many ways of teaching you a lesson. The thing is because of how school life always has been, with the wants, needs and total brokness combined together, you realise the little you have is no where near sorting out your problems.
You have no idea how it feels to wake up in the morning and not even know what to eat.
sometimes last month, i summoned courage to do the unusal. i asked myself which is better ? to feel ashame and still gain or to be ashame and still have nothing.i used to see selling of indomine and egg was kind of or would never be my thing but trust me guys i finally did it. though i started really small at the front of my villa(school hood but i know i'll get some where soon.
It might look awkward but this little display here has fetched me unimaginable income.
Many of my friends asked, of all the businesses on earth, i choose to sell indomine and egg ?
When i figured out i could sell indomine and egg and make it was because i was actually around villas or houses filled with students everywhere. Now those students were surpose to be my major customers even considering the fact that majority preferred fast food rather than cooking.

In the above pics is what my villa looks like. Now imagine if i have like 15 of those that building round my location of which they are even morethan presently.
i started by opening everyevening but now i open virtually anytime am around. Students now place orders even in the morning as i heard to class. Basically not only students patronise me now but even indigens also. the place i normally get indomine from,they were amazed at the huge quatity of cartons of idomine i use perday.
Now the income generated from this business majority call shy business is Immensely unimaginable. My eyes was opened to see that as humans, our brain has unlimitted ideas and innovation. All we need to do is to apply alittle bit of thinking and thats all.

Remember, It is really foolishness to be shameful of whatever is gainful.
Thanks once more.. Looking forward to amazing you guys more

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