Define Your Tomorrow Today !.

Good day guys ! Its been quite some time now. its also a good thing to see the hive community aswell as the POB community growing rapidly in differrent aspects and otherwise.

Talking about growing and prosperity, I think it did not just happen out of the blue. i believe preparations were made or had been made for the manifestation of today's result in these various communities.
Planning is a small word but actually involves both an extensive and intensive mindset and action towards expected goals or results.
They say preparation preceeds manifestation. in other words, what you dont prepare for can never come to reality.

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it is said that there should be no excuse for failure. Why?
The thing is failure is not actually failing because sometimes you are bound to fall back down. The ability to stand back up no matter how many times you fall and begin again is the mindset towards the future of the goal you have set aside. Refusing to stand and begin again is actually the total failure because you are only thinking about the "NOW"(TODAY) and not the "FUTURE"(TOMORROW & BEYOND).
Now imagine how the hive community would have succeeded if they had let some little suituations or challenges break their aim and objective of becoming what they are today. "Planning, Planning, Planning".

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Many think only about the day before them. many dont even put tomorrow into consideration but had fogotten that he who fails to plan, plans to fail.
Make the most of your today so the tomorrow will be perfected. learn to eat and reserve for tomorrow. Dont eat as it comes. Learn to spend and save up for tomorow or the raining day. Dont spend as it comes. Remember the food will not always come, that money will not always be there to spend. but with great plan, objectives and insighting goals,you would have made the most of all that came today so when tomorrow's or the next isnt available you can still be found standing because of your processed and modified plans. Always think about tomorrow in or during today.

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Note that not all plans would go very smooth from beginning to the end. Some plans will face storms and the rest. Some plans might end up impossible thereby going extinct totally. Take for example, the Hive community and the POB community as well as many others, their growth all started from some where at some point. Non appeared out of the blue. Some faced rigorous challenges before arriving at the point they are presently. Today they are so known all over. Tomorrow and the next their accomplishments continues to grow massively thereby creating an inter-face for individuals to test their information, innovation and communication skills together.
if one plan refuses to yield, that doesnt mean plan B wont. The same goes for plan C and further more. Always learn to derive alternatives for your set goals and dont just get discouraged because on the way it might seem impossible. At that point on the way, come up with recovery strategies.
A driver doesnt refuse to drive for the rest of his life just because he had an accident once or twice. A boxer doesnt quit boxer just because of few losses in the ring. they are all applicable to life as well. Train your mindset to always be positive. that way, you will always have answers for issues or problems and at the long run yield results.Dont always run off at every issue that knocks. it will be cowardice.

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There is actually no successfull individual, firm, organisation, platform etc that didnt involve in planning.
What are you using your night for ? Every hour and minutes is precious only to those that sees it very valuable because of their goal,objectives and where they picture seeing themself in the nearest years/time/period to come.
These successful platforms @hive & @POB,and others must have pictured themself at a given time. It is only when you have set goals for yourself that you can work towards it. You find out that when you work towards it, at that estimated time, if you havent even passed or out run the set goals you had planned for you will be close to it already.There is no joy as good as you seeing what you worked for grow and add value to people's life. Every step with planning gives a result of success. An individual can not sleep through out the night and still make the same achievement with an individual who actually brainstormed through out the night trying to fish out new ideas and tackle lappses and also fix faulty areas so as to meet set goals and objectives.
Prep your night before the day, Prep your today before tomorrow. Most of all, Prep your mindset to trigger your setgoals. Finally "PLANNING" is the key after Prepping and then never forget "EXECUTION". Execute those set plans and never be scared. dont hold back, dont second guess Go straight for it and you'll be amazed what the outcome would be.
Thank you so much.
It was nice having to share these wonderful ideas with the communities.

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