Choices(An Open Door To Possibility & imposibility)

Choice is something that always comes voluntarily. Making choices concerning anything is a very hard phase to pass. It defines your now,(present) your previous, (past) and your future (Later days to come).
One thing is to make choices and another thing is to look forward or foresee the outcome(endresults) of those choices made.

Everyone wants to make great choices or choices they feel is great. Mind you, not all choices are great but just in the perpective of the choice maker. I think Good and bad choices lead to the Possible and Impossible. In other words, the outcome of every choice will be evident depending on the choice and the case it was made on.The thing is every one should be mindful of the choice you make part-time as it defines even your destiny and situations that revolves around you. It is known that to always make the right choice or decision is hard but we have to be determined and focused.

it is certain that there are times in life when we just happen to find ourselves at a dead or even an end with multiple options. Many are just forced to do the "Mini Mini Mani Mo" Which is popularly know as the try your luck or guessing style. When focused and determined, You will always have a choice, a better one at that. When your heart is fixed on something, your instincts always go along with the correlation. Some say instincts can be wrong too. YES your instincts can be wrong but your wisdom and insight shouldnt be. Besides your instinct cant always be wrong and that is why they are instincts. something that actually Tickles you to say some words. It goes along with the fight of concience. Your concience only reacts after you have made that decision or choice. It helps to give you a self Judgement. Tgat is to say, the choice you made, is it right or wrong ? what will be the outcome? How will this decision affect you and others around you.
That is why i talked last time about "POSITIVE THINKING". It helps to make the concience stable inline with the choice made that everything will turn out right at the end.

Sometimes you are caught up in several problems of which you havent gotten solution to one yet and the others are climbing on you. It then seem like a dead end because at that moment you are filled with nothing but frustration. In that state, it takes one to settle before making choices. Its like seeing doors that are most likely the same in everything and you just decided to pick one. "NO" You might as well end up at the other side worst than the dead end you met.

Just as in the image, the right door will not always show itself. Same as the solution to every problem you encouter will never bring it self to your table. You are the one to make that choice by using your initiative and positive thinking so you can surpass the negativity of what is about to come.I tell you the truth in the midst of problems, Many tend to loose it at that moment. Their head isnt on straight anymore. At that moment they become vulnerable thereby making poor choices due to negative thinking.
Now dont forget Your choice brings about another choice.So if you get wrong making the first, it is most like that the next and the next and the next will all be wrong as well.
Think before you act. Be very quick to listen and be slow to action and judgement. Act wisely even if the action must dominate. Speak and gain control of every situation and not the other way round. Dont lets up rising matters matter to you that much. Dont see a do or die affair in every situation when you can actually cub them to be nothing at the end.
Lastly, Make your choice with exceeding Thought. Think through to present,past and later outcome,That way you can always be incharge and not enslaved even in your own mind.
thanks again once more. this community has made me grown in so many ways. And i also hope my writings add Value to many.
Appreciations are all i have got for you guys. Thanks alot.

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