Missed Opportunities

Over the past few days, crypto market has taken a turn and almost the entire market is green, WOW!

While most of my investments have given me profits and I'm happy about them but I wonder how much profit people have made who invested in some currencies which have shot like crazy.

Let's take a look.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-12 at 07.28.25.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-12 at 07.28.24.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-12 at 07.28.23 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-12 at 07.28.23.jpeg

A decent investment made in any of the above coins in the last month (3 weeks to be precise) would have made a person rich overnight.

But I'm sure, there would not be many who have invested in all of these coins.

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This is what I call a missed opportunity. I'm sure there would be certain hints around the prices shooting up this vivaciously. But either we missed that or didn't pay enough attention.

It's not a loss per say because you didn't invest anything so you didn't lose anything but technically speaking, one who did not utilize this opportunity to make profits is in the loss.

By this, I learn that it's very important to follow financial news if you are involved in trading and you need to be on your toes especially with the crypto market where it's running 24*7.

So if you want to make some real money here, you will have to compromise on your weekend fun and night sleeps, to an extent that is.

Anyways, Congratulations to those who reaped benefits out of these trades!

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