Recording Percussion For All Song on the album Cumbia Truck

My goal is to record percussion parts using this (Sangban) for all the songs appearing on the upcoming album titled Cumbia Truck.

"One-Take-Master mode is activated."


1️⃣ #CumbiaTruck needs to sound like people dancing cumbia. Legs and arms and butts doing dance stuff.

2️⃣ I want to record lots of percussion in one day to achieve a sound similar to a live band. I want the quality of the recording to be similar. The quality of the space in which the "band" seem to be recording in. I would enjoy it if the album sounded like a cohesive work of audio art fart squirt!!!

3️⃣ "One Take Master" is a person that records the part well the first time through. Records it well or perfect in the first run/attempt. It's not easy. Maybe different for every instrument... I expect mistakes and "editing in post." THAT's the real scary phrase. Recorded tracks that are not preformed well will require more editing. This process can sometimes get very tedious.

4️⃣ I want more Cumbia

(I don't know what i'm doing.)

The songs don't sound cumbia enough. Maybe it's the mix, but I can tell there are a few cumbia characteristics missing. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect to make real #cumbia. I'm making the weird type, but I still want to get close. Close to butts dancing.

Check-out these #CumbiaPsicodelica albums...

🎃 ➕ 👻 = 🎶


Now, I will turn off the room fans that are branding white noise into my eardrums, setup the microphones and the room. Easy little recording session. I'll be wearing my blah blah headphones. The microphones are plugged into the ol' "PreSonus AudioBox iTwo" interface. It's great for lofi and me ol' my tetrahedroseph stuff... two inputs basic A/D converters IDGAF anymore. Just make the music and put it out there.

Easy setup. I am using two AKG C1000 microphones.

One is positioned far away (almost the other corner of the room) at about 8-10 steps from the sound sources. The second C1000 is positioned closer, at about 3 feet away from the performer's head. No close mic for this recording. The sangban will have plenty of volume for the mic. I want it to sound naturally distant. I could get close, I have a dynamic, but I'm too lazy now. I might consider it later soon because the contrasting sounds might be fun.
These mics are set up to be almost permanent. I keep the mics out to discourage procrastination/bottle necks and to get as close to an instant recording studio. I'm determined to utilize the sound of the room as much as possible. Always have. I can tolerate the natural sound characteristics of the room. I might add something soft to the wall, but for now it's good. This music is #lofi anyway.

Instruments 🪓

Two in one? I am using a Sangban. I'm using the entire drum, but it comes with this very authentic looking bell. All the Dunun have a bells in my experience.

My Mamady book has bell parts for all three instruments. Read more about the instrument here: and here: and here: :)

I am using the sangan to make cumbia. It's an unorthodox combination. Thanks for understanding. I have a sangban because a family member heard I was studying Djembe and "african percussion" and purchased it for me. I don't have a djembe.

If you see images of my with a djembe, it's from the many years I performed djembe and vocals for Steel Parade. Before I played bass in the band, I played the djembe and sang backup vocals. I miss playing the djembe with solid players. Lots of fun and I am grateful.


Okay and yes, I am using a second cowbell... actually it's a cell phone holder. Place it on you desk, place your phone on it, and screen tap away... good weight, I recommend the holder for your phone. I also recommend the stand for percussion parts.

I've already used this phone stand as a bell in a few songs...

Weird Sangban Performance Video!

I actually managed to collect footage of the recording session. I do lots of real recording. I do lots of live recording and rarely turn on a camera.

This time, I pulled it all together. Here I am playing the sangban. Im not sure what song... maybe "Mi Cumbia Truck Amour"... get dizzy.

Thank you for reading.

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