Protect PIN, Protect Money!

The only way we can save our money is by being alert all the time. With growing number of cyber attacks it becomes difficult to maintain the vigilance level. Every day we get to learn about the new technique used by the fraudster to make a hole in our wallet.

Cyberattacks on Indian shores is growing faster. From small-scale banking and hiring scams against individuals on social media to massive data thefts at large institutions or phising links on our mobile number. Apart from all this fraudulent credit and debit card transactions and ATM-related fraud, have surged in India. The fraudsters are masters in making mockery of general public.


Buyers needed to be more careful of their Debit card or Credit card transaction in shopping centre or while withdrawing money at any ATM. Recently, the government of India , has issued a warning message to general public, about possible ATM PIN theft related concern from a renowned footwear store. Sharing the picture, the cyber teams has raised an alarm to many buyers.
The picture shows a camera directly placed over a POS machine at the store. It is clearly understood that the camera can potentially be able to record the PIN of the buyer, thereby putting the customer's wealth at risk of getting stolen. While swiping the ATM card, the card details were already been shared to the POS server and now by getting the PIN, anybody can easily wipe out the bank balance.

Personal Identification Number (PIN), are genrally the four - digit number that the user chooses on getting the ATM card. This is the secret number which were not supposed to be shared to anyone. So while using the ATM card , a person can remain vigil to keep it safe. I am pointing out few ways of avoiding PIN theft :

  • Look for any nearby cameras before entering your PIN or OTP in ATM or POS machine.

  • Make sure nobody see the number while rendering it on ATM machine.

  • Keep a unique combination. Do not use common number like date of birth or marriage date or so on. It increases the privacy.

  • avoid using generic combination like 0000, 1111.

  • always choose 4 different numbers for your PIN

The Personal Identification Number or PIN is the key to withdrawing money from a bank account via a Debit card or a credit card. Potentially record PIN of every card transaction posts a threat to the consumer's money in the bank. So remain alert and keep our money safe.


Namaste @steemflow

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