Evil Is Something We Are Or Something We Do?


Recently I commented on a post by @memeisfun - Staking 1160 POB + Apologies to the POB community where he revealed that he was muted by the @hivewatchers and expressed his feelings regarding the once and forever judgements that are enforced on Hive without any leverage of mending mistakes.

I have read his content, and I found it to be original. Though I haven't verified every post but his writings does have a distinct feel and contain original information. It's so obvious that you wouldn't even need a check to conclude this.

But as you can see from the discussion below. He accepted that he had plagiarized before and felt sorry for me for complimenting him. Must be because he realizes that he has done something wrong.


But I haven’t regretted complimenting him because actions of humans inherently are not an epitome of good deeds anyway.

Marina Abramović a Serbian performance artist once conducted a social experiment - 'Rhythm 0' - on stage performance in front of a live audience.

Where she deliberately sat still with a hand picked collection of 72 tools around her ranging from the pointiest to sharpest and even instantly fatal objects. And for next 6 hours everyone from the audience was allowed to do anything to/with her using any of the tools.

The results were disgusting. First few hours passed with ease and some fun. But it ended with lots of scratches scattered over her body. And torn clothes and teasing and molestation and people trying to hurt her private parts. She was treated like an object.

After the experiment was over and she started moving, people ran away. They didn't want to confront her or show their face. Disgusting.

And it proved that people are capable of turning into worse than animals if there are no consequences.

Studies have shown that each one of us would lie, cheat and steal if we can get away with it. If we would be sure that no one will ever find out.

In the hindsight, human civilization was a bad idea.

Our mistakes aren't always unintentional. They are planned and deliberate efforts a lot of times. But I think it is ingrained somewhere inside all of us.

We all are made up of mistakes and dragging the baggage of some. Maybe in different forms and contexts. And may be even worse than being a plagiarist.

Evil is something we do, and if we realize or are forced to realize and reflect back on our motivations of doing it. It still remains something we have done but not something that defines who we are. Not something that we have become.

If we are ready to amend or have already course corrected things, not mere to reverse the consequences but to find and comply with the healthier motivations. Because we don't want to manifest the wrong or get recognized by our misdeeds. There must always remain a scope for forgiveness.

So is that all simple about all our mistakes?


Of course not, that's why we have a variety of punishments and penalties for a variety of actions. But it's not that government is just catching the culprits and sentencing them for life even for stealing 100$ worth of items from a departmental store.

If your child steals money you wouldn’t evict him from your inheritance. You just become more watchful. And then again if he lies about his expenses. And then if he gets himself kidnapped and frames you for ransom. You most certainly would.

Because sometimes evil is something people just do and not something people are.

An evil someone will still make a different account, will still try to spin the content, will come up with ways to not get caught and will probably also create bots to do all this.

To all the others at hive who are the victims of objectivity. Who have been tagged as an offender and abuser forever. Who had lost their path for a while but are trying to follow the right motivations. You all have my support, and hopefully other member's too.

And you aren't a bad influence for this platform in any way. In fact you are an inspiration that it's never too late to mend. And that what matters is who we are inside and what we want to become, rather than what we end up doing sometimes.

If such sensitive things would be decided objectively. Like whether to permanently restrict someone from a “so called” uncensored decentralized public resource or not. We probably wouldn't need humans on this planet and only blockchains.

What is ‘wrong’ anyway, I wonder.

Most of times its just the perspectives and prerogatives, I feel.

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