Why Rules Are Only For Common People?


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Common people mostly who can't protest against the injustice need to follow all the rules and rules only made for them. This 8is saying from recent personal experience.

Actually I saw someone writing about life in a promotional community (other platform) so I just decide to follow that so called reputed author and shared my article as he does. But I got a warning from community head but that person is allowed to do whatever he was doing and rules are only for common user like me not for so called reputed author.

This was just a simple example but happening almost everywhere. Since my childhood days I'm seeing this. people who has good sum of money and reputed in society doesn’t need to follow rules and if ever they break rule no one there to protest or warn them. This kind of discrimination still exist and may be will exist forever.

How Discrimination Affects Our Mind:

Its make us feel down. In the past there was more discrimination between men and women which has reduced so far in educated society but it still found in many sector. This is the source of down feelings specially for women who has no voice to protest.

As a result we feel like ignored or we are only born to follow rules. Discrimination affects our mind in a bad way. Many people break the rule intentionally because their down feelings made them more rude and stubborn. This is very natural according to human nature though exception can be found. Rules can be followed with full dedication when we see all the people are following the rule equally. If rules seems only made for specific common people then it surely hurts and no one wants to be hurt.

Down feelings never allow us to be happy. When we see rules are only followed by we common people not followed by rich or reputed people around us. Actually following rules is a good thing but it should be followed by all why particular individuals only follow them? When someone break the traffic rule should pay fine and this is the rule for all but when a child of traffic police break the rule should they let it go because that person belongs to traffic police? You can see nepotism everywhere and it will always exist.

This is a random thought about rules. I've heard and saw many times that rules are made to break it LOL. Rules generators found breaking rules more that is funny. If rules made for mankind we should follow them and equally follow them with respect. It hurts when we see or experience that rules are only for common people not for so called reputed and rich people around us.

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Published Before: https://read.cash/@Shohana/why-rules-are-only-for-common-people-45209712


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