What Proves That You Are An Educated?


Source: canva

Your education will shows in your behavior and your behavior shows your belongings or family background. Recently I'm upset with people around me and I'm counting days of their leaving as they should leave next month and I can live with peace hopefully. From the beginning I have noticed that she talks over phone aloud and that make disturbance. Talking about the irritating roommate. She claimed that she had post graduation degree from any local private University and I though she should be humble and good at the beginning when I came. But I was wrong.

Almost everyday her activities irritate me, If I frankly tried to talk about the irritations she start being rude and never feel apology for her rudeness. Girls in our neighbor also fed up with her loud voice over phone and she talks like uneducated and shout all the time. Sometimes I just put earphones or fingers inside my ears to avoid the noise. Can't talk about it because we can't compromise our honor that may hurt by talking to this so called educated person. Her education is missing in her behavior and she tries to rule everyone according to her.

This morning something made me shocked and forced me to write about this topic. I woke up early in the morning as always for prayers and got ready, she is not regular at praying but she woke up and stand for prayer in my area of bed and fan over head, she has her own fan with her bed but she stand at my place, I request humbly to stand on her side but she deny to be aside and told me to stand for prayer in her side and did whatever she wished and I just got disappointed. What is the value of prayer which can't teach you to be humble and disturb other's space? As a educated and humble person I mostly tolerating all these things.

Actually I'm tolerating also because she will leave next month and it will bring peace to this room I'm living. I'll pray for a humble and kind roommate next time to my Almighty and badly waiting for the early leave of this person who makes noise, disturbance and irritate others by her activities. Actually I wanted to plan for a gift when she will leave but my heart is broken already with her rudeness and I have no mood to give her any gift and when she will leave I'll do some extra prayers and will do some celebration myself.

Her behavior always shows that she is not a educated person. Her every move is like uneducated, arrogant and rude as she talk over phone like ruling her husband, ruling almost everyone but she doesn’t have realization how she representing her image to others. Today in the morning she grabbed my space of prayers and she thought she win but she is wrong, this is not call winning, this call losing. I've no sympathy and empathy left for her. I may try my best to keep distance from her (already doing this for saving my own honor). Will pray for her early leave and never meet her again in life.

A bad person will be unveil to everyone and people around me already knows the character of this woman so not only I but also others surely wish to maintain a distance from this ugly person. Yes, I call these kind of person ugly because they only make disturbance and has no manner that how to treat people around us. May Almighty Allah save me from these kind of disgusting people as soon as possible. Counting days for her leave. We need good people around to feel good because noisy and messy people never can being good vibes to live a beautiful life. I feel pity on her family who tolerate her every day. At the beginning I consider her as a mentally disturbed person and she must have some mental disorder issues that's why she react like a man over phone everyday that makes noise around us. So I just would like to forgive her by considering her being mentally unstable. Hope you people are not dealing with such mental patient in your everyday life.

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