Products Are Out Of Reach, But Who cares?

My Own Captured Shot

Consider me as a very common man as my lifestyle is similar to lower middle class and need to have some limit for spending each month. For inflation not only fruits but also other foods and products gradually getting out of reach. The photo was taken recently and I asked for the price of oranges and grapes. The seller told me a price that was really unfair according to the quantity of it.

I didn’t bought the fruit because I don't want to appreciate the unfair price as a common man. But who think off common man like me or us? People who can afford to buy will definitely buy things they want to have, they doesn’t care about money because earning money is easy for them. Recently a social media video made me upset though the video had funny background effects.

There was a woman who went to super shop and gave interview to a reporter that she is a doctor by profession. She said that, she can buy everything she wants to have even after It's availability in unfair price. The video clip was like a troll of a woman who tried to show off her as the richest. She also told that she doesn’t care about the price increase or decrease, she purchase like a richest woman. She means a doctor earn to spend and she showed off her money power in a public interview.

Indeed funny but at the same time its shameful. A rich has no need to show off his wealth and rich doesn't means to be self centered. A true educated person never show off such thing as their education can be found in their behaviour and attitude. That woman could be a doctor by profession but not a human being by emotion.

When inflation affecting the life of poor and middle class people, some ridiculous people showing their money power in pubic. The woman was found in a Super shop when she says nonsense things in her interview. The woman would be rich but a heart which doesn’t care about poor, never can be a good heart. That woman confessed that she doesn’t care who can afford to buy and who doesn’t. An educated person with rich heart will surely discourage unfair prices of products (even they can afford) for other common people or poor people.

What I did? I stop eating eggs everyday because its available in high price now though People buying it even the price of it going to the moon. I want to see the fair price of each product and no more inflation.

Thanks For Reading


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