Just A WEEK TO GO....!!!


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After a week we going to say good bye to 2021 and welcoming 2022. Time flies, as it seems just few says ago it was 2000 when I was a little kid playing with my friends, going to school and enjoyed life a lot. Whatever, the show must go on and I'm really very thankful to my Almighty Allah for making my 2021 really very blessed with crypto. After corona pandemic I tried job but those were not what I wanted to have.

Crypto came to my life as such a blessing and I wish to have this blessing till the rest of my life. A year is passing means we are closer to the death but still we need to plan for living a better life. We can't stop hoping till the last breath and this is call life. So let's welcome another year in our life which may bring lots of blessings.

In 2021 I made my mind to come back to writing world and writing never disappoint me ever. I started my writing career online in 2013 and took a break in 2016-2020. At the end of 2020 I came back again to writing world and I can see good improve in my life as I consider writing as my passion and making money through it is always encouraging. When crypto start pumping, my writing get more appreciation. I'm not a crypto investor but as an author I always love earning crypto currency from several writing platform.


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In 2022 I'm really very hopeful. My expectations are not so high but I always want a life where my happiness does really matter. Crypto earning is now included to my happiness, it makes me happy and worth my time. Up and downs part of our life and also part of crypto price. Sometimes its up and sometimes it down but I would love to continue earning it forever. Someday I may try investment on it but before that I need to research a lot.

A week to go and we going to have our 2022. Future is always uncertain but there is no boundaries for dreaming. So I can't stop dreaming to have my goals or aims. Will work for it till the end. I'm hopeful and positive in my way and we all should be positive and keep continue doing hard work that helps us to reach our goals today or tomorrow. Just a week away to a new year. Let's switch some good practice that helps us to reach our goals asap. 2022 is knocking door, welcome it with positive vibes. May it bring lots of blessings for all of us.
No more now, will be back with something interesting asap.
Thanks for taking time to read and showing love to me to be an active author on hive.
Take love! 💖

Published Before: https://read.cash/@Shohana/just-a-week-to-go-2aedfa62


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