The connection of POB creates sparks in the Brain.

Who else gets connected to a post on the POB community. Have you ever been in a situation were you read and your mind goes deep into the post. It always reminds me of an event or situation I experience.

At times the connection I get reading posts in the community, linking thoughts and ideals inside my Brain.
Is it just me or it is also an experience everyone also gets. The post of few people on the community has also inspired me, getting to know different mindset and how situations are been handled.

I have developed the love for writing. It’s also wonderful how fast I now think and decode topics from the brain and turn them into contents.

Every where I go, the things I hear, even what I see; has stimulated a mechanism in my brain producing different ideals to share on #POB. But the real skill is when I can actually produce a quality content and positivity post from the brain. Making everyone who reads and understands the purpose of why I am writing and what inspired my topic.

Image Source: Live science.

My inspiration is “I now see proof of brain every where I am. It is all over my brain all the time. Reaching out to get tangible results”. I love writing now because it’s a skill that was never part of me which is now. So, I would keep writhing.

when I am happy, it brings the best ideals and creativity out of the mind and brain.
and since I am now loving the skill of writing. I am happy doing it.

Proof of brain
Proving to the world the presence of extreme skill and strength of thinking, shows how active the brain can be. The advantage that I can support my parents at home and also keep my dedication on #POB keeps my mind opened and the hope of growth in life gradually.

Contests I really love participating on:


Talking about things I have learnt on #POB-WOTW; are the discovering of few new words I never new about. I really sucked at English vocabulary and development in mid school. But coming across few words and writing about them; got the words stocked inside my head using them in communication once in awhile.

The #POB-PHOTOGRAPHY has also pushed me to save up to get a DSLR Camera. So that I can also participate on the challenge and also knowing how to handle the ISO, White Balance, Aperture and Shutter speed of the camera. Going to location to take pictures and post.

The #POBDAILY is also a wonderful challenge that proves what you learn everyday and how you handle challenges that crossed your part. It could be at work, home, school, park or anywhere you can share your experience about you day activities.

And the #POBTALK, is a beautiful microblogging platform by @vempromdo.pob who has giving room to every blogger to talk about different topics with just short texts and contents and also challenging the microblogger to win a price of curation.

POB is truly the brain of HIVE; because no matter how you keep on dedicating to this community you would learn different skills evening without you knowing you have developed a beautiful skill.

A big appreciation to the POB community.

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