
Image by Keith on Pixabay

How fast is the week again? It's Friday again and another moment to report our progress to the Dreemport challenge with other members. It has been an amazing week so far and I am just smiling while typing this because I am proud to say I triumphed over the activities, I didn't leave any untouched, but did challenge myself to the end of the week 2. It's also awesome to see some of us encouraging each other, which also got me to keep going because of it. I got encouraging words from @dreemsteem, @ifarmgirl, @merit.ahama, @iskafan, @coquicoin and many others who encouraged me and it made it look more fun doing those challenges.

Okay, let's start with each of the tasks and how I was able to carry out my activities. Well, I did see the week's update later on Monday and it was already posted days before then which I missed. I got to know the new instructions included and other added activities which was another interesting thing and made me smile again while reading. I made sure to catch up with the rest before the end of the day so as not to miss any.



I usually drink enough water everyday and I do lose count of how many cups I drink daily and I am very sure I drank way too much this week. Starting in the morning with a glass of water before my usual activities and till the end of the day, I drink especially during this heat season, it requires more water from you because your throat would always get dried every minutes but I am always careful with the water since I buy two bottles of water for $4+ including transport fare and the water only last 2 weeks and some days.


This was just updated into the week and it was kind of easier for me all through which I did split, 5 minutes in the morning and the remaining 5 minutes at night. While staying silent, I couldn't stop myself from traveling in my thoughts as I would keep imagining beautiful scenarios and thinking different things all the way. At least I was able to maintain my silence and even when someone knocks on my door, I won't reply until my silent moment is over and I could only explain what I was doing at that moment to whoever knocks and of course they do understand. Do they even have a choice? It's my choice to answer or not, so, I don't give a damn 🤔


Just as I have made it my goal to read a chapter of a novel each day before I retire for the day, this has been my goal for now which I didn't miss a day for this week's challenge. I started reading a novel this week titled "GREENER PASTURES" by Okeleye Adebayo Caleb. This particular novel has 94 chapters which I exclaimed when I downloaded it at first and within the 20 minutes given, I did cover 2 chapters each and it's kinda interesting to me. Right now, I am in Chapter 12. Did I try? 2 Chapters for each day. Perhaps, I might finish reading it in the coming weeks before jumping onto another interesting novel.


Sure I did encourage some people this week while I visited their articles which I never forgot to remind them of their activities. I also got encouraged just as I have mentioned above and I enjoyed doing that.


Why would I forget this part when I know why I am doing that? Just as I have said, I want a flat tummy and I am really working hard to achieve that and guess what? I am seeing little progress already and every day, I touch my tummy and noticed the fat is reducing. I got a measuring tape rule to measure myself and I am so happy at least, it hasn't been in vain. It's been 3 weeks and some days now that I have been working on this goal and gradually seeing that change makes me happy and makes me want to scream in my room because of it. In fact, I got good replies from those who have been watching me do that and it's great. I even downloaded another video which isn't that difficult and I practiced every morning and when I am weak to do that, I shift it till the evening before sleeping.


I am really happy with this too as I am consistent on the goal. Actually, the goal is more than one:

  • Skipping dinner: Once it's 6pm, I don't take anything again other than drinking water. I have been consistent with this for 3 weeks now and I think I am beginning to get used to it. It's also part of my plan to reduce my tummy. I really want this badly and so, I stick to it daily.

  • Take a walk daily: Yes, I started this on Monday and I find myself taking a walk either wanting to get something across the street or just taking a stroll away from my house. I feel relaxed after doing this and it´s kind of great too.

  • Posting daily: I have more than one platforms which are Hive, Readcash and Blurt and I make sure to post daily on these three platforms before the end of the day which I have been active and consistent on. In fact, the Joy of seeing Hivebuzz sending me notifications and badges of my activity makes me keep going to get more. At the moment, I have reached 15000 comments and also a buzzy bee for being active on Hive.

  • No mineral week: Hehehe, who would have believed I would not taste any mineral this week? But I challenged myself to see if I won´t fall into temptation. Haahaha. Left to me, I am always drinking mineral every day, in fact, I mostly take 2 bottles of Malt in a day but I decided to make this week without mineral which on the first day, I was tempted to drink, but I couldn´t. Instead, I made Tea for myself. It's really hard when you have been so used to taking minerals every day. Your system has been used to it and it was really like a battle for me while I kept fighting the urge in taking it. Yaaaay, I scaled through it and I believe I won't be tempted till the end of the week. At least, tomorrow is weekend. Should I extend it till the next challenge? 🙄🤦‍♀️


I have been submitting articles on the dreemport site since on Monday and I would be doing the same thing immediately I hit the publish button for this post. I tried hard to do this even when I didn't feel like, because I would be so weak at the end, but forcing myself not to miss a day has been a challenge to me.

And yes, I finally did it this week and I am patiently waiting for next week for another beautiful ride with you guys.


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