We Are Doing It Wrong .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 152

A few weeks/months ago, I created a post named Eyes Off the Prize and it was one of the previous WORKERBEE pool reports, which didn't have too much with the report itself, but rather about our expectations that sometimes can demotivate us... I wrote about stalking whales, trying to dance as they order, and all stuff that was hypnotizing me, but at the same time preventing me from growing!

This time, I got "inspired" by one comment that a person left on our @liotes mission post that we are doing every Wednesday... The question was "Are there any rewards for Liotes rankings?" There are two things regarding this that triggered me a bit... The first one is that it was explained in the post that there are rewards for the rankings and in the previous post explained that the Top 15 ranked get LEN tokens every month... It's not that hard to research things if you are interested...

And the second thing is that the challenge itself was created in a way that it helps people to follow their progress at Hive or to be more exact, that is already a reward as it should motivate you to grow!

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Created in Canva.com

Anyways, the whole thing is deeply connected to our old problem, Hive is marketed as a platform where you are PAID for creating content... While it is partially true, it is not a complete truth! I have to connect another "experience" that I witnessed in the Ecency Discord a few days ago as it is a perfect example of how people misunderstood HIVE and how it works... The guy came to the room and began whining about how his work wasn't appreciated and how the system was not appreciating him!

I don't want to go into other details that he was creating 1 post per 2 months, trying to sell "his post" to others, and asking for upvotes, but I want to focus on just a few WORDS from the last paragraph...

Hive is marketed as a platform where you are PAID for creating content


The system did not appreciate him

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We humans have one very bad characteristic, and it is to BLAME something/someone else when we make a mistake... I remember one funny anecdote from the time when the first computer printers were invented... Before that, you had to type on a typing machine, you could make typing mistakes and blame the typing machine... But with printers, it was not possible to blame "the machine"... So it was funny to hear people saying how "printer skipped a letter and not them".. 😃

In our example, as we marketing HIVE as a PLATFORM that rewards people for creating content, people do think that the SYSTEM is paying them rewards... "Whale accounts" are sort of computer software that prints and sends money to creators... Because of all that, it is the SYSTEM that has failed and not ME... Not me, but every other human being on this platform... It's not the problem in me, but in everyone else... Be honest, what are the odds that's the case?

I will leave the same message as I did in the above-mentioned post... Focus on PEOPLE, appreciate and respect them, and the content that gives value to your life... Share your experience that could help someone else, and you will be rewarded... By people, with words, maybe monetary value, but definitely with human touch and care... You can't get that from "the system"...

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Back to the Workerbeee report numbers!

Not too many movements in the pool in the last 7 days... We had one undelegation, some added delegations, and one mistakenly staked tokens instead of being delegated... It looks like @lemonp8ste staked his WORKERBEE tokens to this account and not to HIS account (@lemonp8ste please reply in the comment section to discuss further steps)... Please be cautious when you are doing these things... I have explained the process at the bottom of the post!

Thanks for your trust!

In the last 7 days, we mined 119 BEE tokens in total!!!

This POOL doesn't have fees and you get up to 20% MORE by delegating to it!


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What about the bonus tokens?
I know that most of you/us are degens and we like to have in our portfolios tokens that have the possibility to 10x, or 100x, but... If you want to have a well-diversified portfolio, you have to have some of those "boring", slow-growing tokens... They will not make you rich, but they will preserve the value of your money, which is very important when you are battling the fight with inflation... Cash is trash, and these assets are there to help you to not lose the value... I have a couple of those tokens in my portfolio and one of my favorites is the CTPSB tokens! You can find more details about it at the official account, @ctpsb! Of course, if you don't like it, you can sell it on the market... There is always liquidity, so no worries about that...

There will be distributed 3.5 CTPSB tokens to the delegators of the pool as a bonus reward today!


As always, in the end, let's give the exact numbers for this week... There will be distributed 118 BEE tokens and 3.5 CTPSB tokens as a bonus... The APR (without the bonus) was 8.044%, and when we added the bonus it went up to 9.814%!

I have calculated the ROI approximately with medium prices for all tokens at the moment of creating this post... So, those numbers are valid if you bought WB and sold BEE tokens at the middle HiveEngine price...

Do you want to sponsor the PH-Pool with your tokens, receive a short SPONSORED segment in this post, and raise awareness about your front-end or dApp? Please let me know in the comment section, or contact me through Discord or Twitter and we will find the best solution for both parties...

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If you want to join the WorkerBee PH-Pool, the only thing that you have to do is to STAKE tokens to YOUR account and DELEGATE your staked WORKERBEE tokens to THIS account (@ph1102)! Every week you will get the your portion of mined BEE tokens and BONUS rewards!

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All payments will be made after publishing this post...

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section!

You can find more about this pool in the initial post here @ph1102/workerbee-p-h-ool-let-s-help-each-other

Thank you for your time,


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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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