From failure to success


Hello gorgeous people in this platform, you are highly blessed. How was your day, I hope it was great.

Most prominent people have failed to fulfill their potentials because of fear of failure.
Fear of failure hinders you from achieving your goals in life.

There is no body who do not have fear in this life, all what you should do is to make a strong decision that no matter what you will overcome it.

You may think your client will make mockery of you because you have taken a step to face that challenges so called "fear of failure".

If you want to succeed in this life you must fail first. Failure will keep you moving to your destination. Failure gives you way to learn and correct your mistakes and by doing this it will give you the boldness to grow higher.

Remember, the Bible says, " with God all things are possible". With Him you can deal with fear of failure.
And another thing is that, when you fail you keep on trying to correct that mistakes, it wouldn't help you.

If you want to succeed in this life do not let fear to rule over you. Give in to fear and you will succeed.

You, there is what God has deposited in you but fear could not allow it to stir to flame. My father in the Lord made me to understand that; if you die with great gifts, talent in you, you are a fool.

Fear would not let you fulfill your purpose in life.

Are you a public speaker but fear could not let you express yourself in the public. Why, because I will make mistake. It is this mistake that will prone you to become a winner.

Let me tell you these about myself. "I was asked by my pastor to lead a opening prayer in my church, before I stood I was gripped with fear, as I stood out to say something behold fear disappeared from me and I was able to do it to the end".

My mentor once said that, he didn't know how to speak throughout his stay in University, he knew how to talk in church, now he is pastor, he can preach and teach with ease. Which I pray God should give that grace to teach with boldness and strength. Say Amen to me. It might be hilarious to you.

Now, is just like a child learning how to write, at that initial stage he or she would not write very well. Gradually he is learning how to write on a straight line. When you fail it does not you a failure, keep trying.

You have the plan to run a business but because of fear of failure that you will not make profit from it. Even if you fail in that business why don't you move on than for you to quit.

Ways you can overcome fear

  • Accept your mistakes.
  • frequent practice.
  • determination.
  • prayers.

Lastly, if you have God in you, you will be able to face the impossible, it could be fear, failure, weakness, challenges.

I want to encourage everyone of you to be available, take things serious in your life to bring our the result.

These is what I have for you.

Lovely people feel free to leave your comments and your upvote here. God bless you as you read post. Thank you. I am @peckypeace.

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