Eternal life || Vida Eterna [ENG/ESP]


Good evening to all friends, today has been a long, very long and difficult day for me.
In general, that happens when we are going through a difficult time, that is not why I want to stop sharing something with you, perhaps they will not be many words, but they are powerful, because they are the word of God.

I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, nor will anyone be able to snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; and from the Father's hand no one can snatch them away. The Father and I are one.

John 10:28-30

Beyond difficult situations, if we have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, what these verses say is what really matters.
Go ahead and fight the good fight of faith.


Buenas noches a todos amigos, hoy a sido un día largo, muy largo y difícil para mi.
General eso pasa cuando estamos pasando un momento difícil, no por eso quiero dejar de compartirles algo con ustedes, quizás no serán muchas palabras, pero si que son poderosas, porque son palabra de Dios.

Yo les doy vida eterna, y nunca perecerán, ni nadie podrá arrebatármelas de la mano. Mi Padre, que me las ha dado, es más grande que todos; y de la mano del Padre nadie las puede arrebatar. El Padre y yo somos uno.

Juan 10:28-30

Más allá de las situaciones difíciles, si hemos aceptado a Jesucristo comi Señor y Salvador, lo que dice estos versículos es lo que realmente importa.
Seguir adelante y a pelear la buena batalla de la fe.

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