

[//]: # (CCC LINKS PLACEHOLDER, DON'T DELETE THIS TAG)Emotions are simply your feelings. it a strong feeling of love anger,
hatred, sadness Joy happiness pity and so on. There are different fulfillments one can undergo. Sometimes you feel happy , sad, fulfilled and many others. Every human being has feeling irrespective of different things infant child,adult,youth etc can undergo this feeling.



As a young adult or a child or even a teenager, you can feel uncomfortable. For example, when a new born baby is born and the mother refuses to breastfeed the baby,such a child can cry to show how he/she is feeling. This implies that feelings or emotions can speak even if one does not speak or talk. Sometimes I wonder how a mother understands her baby when he/she could cry because he is hungry,or wants to sleep and several other things.

Most times feelings speak faster than one's tongue. As an infant,he/she could be happy with everybody no matter the age. As a teenager, sometimes one goes through some tough things that one cannot express but I just feel happy when you say it out loud.

Without emotions,there can't be a word to me because if you want to say something, it is always about the way you feel. Your feelings determine the way you feel, most times it even determines the kind of people that will befriend you. Or is it a woman who has been longing for a child since God knows when,the feeling of sadness comes from nowhere and when that wish is granted, happiness again comes from nowhere.

One does not know yet the type of feeling one will undergo,I think your words or thoughts are your feelings.

Emotions go a very long way. The one I will be talking about is the feeling of fulfilment. "What is fulfilment"? Fulfilment simply put,to do something that you already promised to do or to achieve the things that you hope for,wish for. It is a feeling of being satisfied, especially because you are doing interesting,useful or important things. When someone does what he/she has promised to do, what they do,it is what they have always wanted to do, that is fulfilment.

Fulfilment is a very good feeling that everybody undergoes. When you feel fulfilled,it means different things. Before fulfilment, there are almost of wants just like in economics,one may wish to become a fashionista or a model or even a professor. One may also wish to be the best. Fulfilment is like a wish or promise that comes to pass in one's mindset. An adult may be fulfilled when he/she eats the fruits of her labour, same with the youth when he/she finds the reason that makes him/her smile. So as a child, teenager or adult,when a person doesn't exhibit this kind of feeling, He/she will lack plenty of things because being fulfilled will help the brain develop.

Nowadays, emotions are really high. Talking about the scenario of university students in my country Nigeria. They have been at home for more than six month. With all these,they can never have the feeling of fulfilment which affects their mental health. If one desires to become a medical doctor and finally gets it,the feeling of fulfilment comes in. You can't tell how you will feel tomorrow but you can work towards being happy tomorrow. Fulfilment also frowns at procrastination.

Now talking of anger, most people get angry at some irrelevant things that make no sense. Anger is a strong feeling of wanting to hurt or criticise someone because they have done something bad to you or been unkind to you so as to make you feel angry.

Anger is a bad feeling. It is a feeling that leads to permanent anger and also leads to hatred therefore confirming a habit. For instance, couples; some men have anger issues which will in turn make them best up their wife's or partner's or even the other way round which will lead to violence thereby causing an abrupt end to that union. Or even in school,when some students just dislike"hate"you for no just cause.

Anger can cause destruction of both lives and properties. It is applicable to both young and old, no individual or even human being is excluded.

Peace is also a feeling, the feeling of peace is the beginning of luck,bright, joy and co-operation. Peace in my understanding is the complete absence of war,fights or violence. As humans we have to be peaceful in all our dealings and doings no matter what.

As you all know, without emotions, Haman activities cannot take place. Nevertheless, emotions can be seen as the building block of living.

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