A little bit further away


The song that came from the Void.


No TV channels, no radio, no big tech 'social' media and no biased 'news' channels, equals to a lot of spare time. What to do with all of that freedom? Long walks, bicycle rides and the occasional skeeler tour. Normally I would choose the first part of the route to be against the wind. That means if it does not turn in time I will get it in my back on my way home. Yet, I do not want to visit the same places over and over again, unless they give me a good vibe. Actually not one day is the same as the other, nor the places that I come across more often. During a year I can see how nature changes slowly and steady. The first goal, when I start, is to get out off the hectic of daily life. Lots of cars, many people, too much noise to my liking. After the things of the day I want peace of mind. Lately I actively do my best to avoid people too whenever and where ever I can. And I change my course many times during my daily trips. One might even state that I am avoiding contact with other human beings on purpose. Just a few I still enjoy having around.

There is a day dream that I have where I leave all the bullshit behind me and create a new beginning. Buying a piece of land somewhere, far away from the ratrace. Surrounded by trees and nature, building stuff from scratch. Looked up how to dig a well, using solar cells and windmills to get electric energy. And storing resources by creating Hydrogen and Oxygen gas from water. So I am not planning on going total Neanderthaler style, but I merely want to pull back from the funny-farm way of life. To retreat in a more natural environment. My other half wont like it though, that is the catch, she is not open to that kind of an adventure. Way too many unknowns for her to deal with, I do understand. "What if I cannot take a shower, because there is not enough water from the well, or the rain reservoir?", she would probably ask. And I would not get her to live in some kind of Chalet. Starting from scratch, I would be perfectly okay with that. But that would be my way, something that cannot be enforced onto others. Therefore I go on a daily path that also lets me enjoy some day dreaming. And just like a horse, at the end of the ride, I will find my way home again.

Where to go next?

To get some variation in my daily travels I started to use an App called Randonauts. It is a perfect way to find spots that I have never visited before, even in my own little corner of the planet. It also has some Quantum Mechanics related Random Numbering attached to it, making it extra interesting to me. To explain in short it is about us being creation and creators, from a Quantum point of view. By using intention, dreaming, thinking (connected to strong emotions) it is believed that we can influence the direction of reality. And how would people know that is even possible? Well, there would be a Random Number Generator {RNG} that would, logically reasoned, give a balanced outcome. A Quantum Computer could be the best option to function as an RNG. Maybe to flip a virtual coin millions of times and as a result show, about as close as it can be, a fifty-fifty score. Yet, now imagine it is running a proces that is intentionally started by somebody with a certain mindset and some connected feelings. With a note attached that a thought which might be hiding dominantly underneath, with intense connected emotions, would be the true Quantum (field) influence. The outcome might not be what is to be expected, nor hoped for, but it will be what really triggered it.

At least, that is the theory and there have been all kinds of experiments using this concept, like remote viewing. Now, I am not here to claim it actually works, but it is a fun way to get to places I have not been before. Or to notice stuff that I had missed out on during my other trips. Randomized 'sailing' is a nice way to be active in the here and now. And it might be fun to play around with the idea of using intention to spot an owl for instance. But be careful what you set your course to, maybe you do not really want to meet extra-terrestrials {ET}. Cause for all you know they might 'probe' you. As that might have been the strongest believe you have formed about them. And I can claim that I did have some funny intentions that actually, kind of, came true. To me it is mainly about ones own interpretation of reality and a believed correlation in synchronicity. But I am yet to be convinced about a possible case of causation.

The song that came from the Void

In an ideal situation using a RNG the result would be truly provable random. Yet, with an intention set some weird effect could be observed as a result. Something that should not occur normally. With the Randonaut App it would mean that all random points within a certain diameter are somehow concentrated. This attractor anomaly could be at a certain area. Or another anomaly could be a relative empty space. Where it is too obvious as an anomaly to still be considered as being absolutely random. And yesterday I had one that gave me a huge Void 237 meter across area with high Z and Power values. Never before did I have both higher than 7 at the same time. (And I do not bookmark any spot below 6, except when I want to setup a complete tour.) The Power value was even close to 8. Measured the distance from where I live, in a straight line, and it was 9.7 Kilometers. With that point as the main goal I setup a 30 KM bicycle ride for that evening.

It was a beautiful evening for a bike ride and in no time I arrived at the high score spot. Got off my bike and had a look around. Besides it being a nice place to pause for a while, there was nothing really there that I considered to be a clear 'sign' of something. A vast area yet nothing there, so what were those values about then? Jaiks, it seemed I may have gone too far down the rabbit hole, time to get real again. This was not even halfway my ride for the evening. Got back on the peddles and moved on to the next spot. And then all of a sudden, only after a few meters, there was a song that popped in my mind. Not just a silly single repeating line, of something of which I had forgotten the rest of the lyrics. No, this was an almost complete song, with all the voices, the sound and the instruments. And I was under the impression that this had been a great number one hit of yesteryear. Had not come across it recently, cannot even remember when it was the last time I had heard it. Turned out it was not even that kind of a big thing back in 1982. The lyrics I looked up today and even though my mind seemed to have gotten a bit creative most of it was actually still spot on...

Coincidence that's all

Well, maybe it is just a coincidence and my mind played tricks on my. It is great though having a random jukebox in my head. Really, there are far more worse songs to have playing in ones head. Kokomo and "A little bit further away" is not a real happy song though, but it has got a lot of soul. Maybe it is about dealing with reality as it is and to avoid holding on to something that already has ended. Even making it worse by trying to keep up appearances. Instead of dealing with the facts of live and moving on. Could be that I get more out off this song than it intentionally was about though. Yet, in a strange way it actually gave me some peace of mind. So I did adjust my route to a shorter version.

While I type this in I am waiting for some news. My mother is having surgery and she was very nervous for it. She is close to 80, so it will be quite a strain on her. Somehow I want to set a new Random-nautical course for today, but I cannot until I got some good news. Right now it is taking too long to my liking. Even though I do expect to only hear something early this afternoon, I do tend to worry a bit now. There is always the thought of what I do not want to think about. So I'll try to set my mind on to other things. Like publishing this article about Randonauting. With in the background noise the uncertainty of what is to come. Guess I'll just have to find some more distractions. And I hope I can visit her in hospital this evening. No need to set a random tour for that.

Have a great one!

One of the fantastic Randonaut spots I visited.
Photo by me

Website Randonauts: https://www.randonautica.com

Edit: Surgery went well and Ma is doing fine.

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