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Greeks visited Egypt as students to learn from Africans

Most of the great philosophers from Greece, learnt what they knew and formed from Africans. They traveled from their country to Egypt where they came to seek for knowledge before going on to become world greats.


The like of Plato, Pythagoras, Thales whose laws are being studied in Highschool's and Universities across the world got their knowledge from Africans in Africa.


Plato studied in Egypt for 13 years.

Pythagoras studied Philosophy, Geometry and Medicine in Egypt for 22 years.

Thales, the first Greek philosopher studied in Egypt.

Hippocrates studied Medicine in Egypt for 7 years.


Plato said Egyptian education made students more alert and human.

Plato told his students to go to Egypt if they wanted to study the minds of great Philosophers.

Herodotus, the Greek Historian described Ancient Egypt as the Cradle of Civilisation.


Pythagoras studied Medicine in Egypt for 22 years.

"Pythagoras theorem" was used to build the pyramids in Egypt 1,000 years before Pythagoras was born.

Imhotep, an Egyptian Multi Genius was already the Father of Medicine 2,200 years before Hippocrates was born.

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