Do you know StormX (STMX)?



In the cryptomundo there are thousands of projects dedicated to intensify the global financial and economic processes through the use of cryptocurrencies, however only a few are the ones that concentrate 90% of the market capitalization, being the almighty Bitcoin (BTC) the one that concentrates the main honors in the taste of users and investors of decentralized digital currencies.

Thinking about those projects that due to their low media exposure do not enjoy the popularity proposed by other cryptocurrencies, today I bring to the fore StormX, which is presented as a platform that works as a decentralized market for those who are part of Storm Market, which are called Storm Makers.

StormX is shaped as a platform to promote marketing and market research for those users who require it, just access the application offered by the project through the freelancers that make life in this space and complete the various tasks proposed by its developers. Usually, when a new venture is created there is a need to know what people need, in this sense, Storm provides these companies with a space through its app and website where they come into contact with the opinion of users in exchange for remuneration in their cryptocurrency.

And is that the focus on Freelancers offering a space where they perform work or tasks from the comfort of their homes, meaning this is another alternative to acquire new income. By making use of Freelancers, entrepreneurs reduce costs since it is possible to hire professionals in any area from anywhere in the world.

Unlike other centralized platforms that benefit directly from freelancers by reducing their payments significantly in addition to adding some conditions that limit the independence of these professionals, StormX offers a solution to the community of freelancers by separating the interaction process in all aspects of the platform from intermediaries.

Likewise with its cryptocurrency this project generates the funds to establish its technological approaches, including its own Android Mobile app with which it wishes to offer a different approach to the digital marketplace by transferring funds between platform users with its cryptocurrency.

The best ways to award the so-called Bolts (the system's reward) participants have three options:

  • Through Storm Play: through this app offers are posted on the platform within the Ethereum blockchain where users can earn rewards upon completion of tasks.

  • Storm Shop: rewards are offered to buyers who purchase specific items.

  • Storm Gigs: through this way users can enter the decentralized marketplace, once there the tasks are implemented according to different categories.

All tasks are presented through the use of smart contracts between the task poster (Creator) and the task performer (freelancer or player). These tasks form a very important part of the ecosystem, since the smart contracts establish detailed agreements about the purpose of the work, as well as the payment terms, thus establishing fair agreements between the interested parties.

As always it is necessary to emphasize that the information shown here does not represent any interest on the part of the author in stimulating investment in this project by users. Everything written here should be considered as a way to inform about StormX and let the interested parties be the ones to make decisions about participating in this project based on their own research.


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