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The Criteria for my Voting as a POBLeus Curator


Some of us may not know about POBLeus, so very briefly: POBLeus is a fusion of the word POB and Nucleus. We all know what POB is, nucleus on the other hand is a mandate from heaven to pay your tithes to guys whose names kinda rhymes with 'nucleus' just like your man here 'nevies'.



That's for etymology, for what it actually is, POBLeus is the official curation team of the Proof of Brain Community.

POBLeus has been around since first week of July, you can look at this post where it was proposed and explained further by @calumam, for now there are about 6 curators whose votes are followed by the Community's @proofofbrainio account with 33% VP (voting power), and a number of tweaks are still in the works to keep improving POBLeus.

Being a POBLeus curator is quite some responsibility and service all for the good of the community, so some transparency and accountability is required. Also, people might wonder what rules the POBLeus operate by and whether those rules are good and commendable enough. In respect to, and in consideration of all these, here are the criteria I and most of the POBLeus members try to adhere to. Since I'm the one relating these criteria, you know it is mostly true for me, other curators might defer slightly.



You need to have staked POB:

This is the number 1 thing that is looked out for. Quite ironical that a Proof of Brain Community would place so much emphasis on staking like a Proof of Stake Community, right? But well, lets try to downplay the importance of staking in the community and we'll see that we don't like all the consequences it brings. Staking is really important, it shows you can be regarded a member of the community because you now hold a share, have an investment and can vote during proposals.

So how much POB does a person need to have staked? There's no minimum amount, the rule is simply that you need to be someone who stakes some of their earnings. How much of your earnings? The more the better, there is no strict rule around this but it goes without saying that staking only 10% of your earnings for example is not encouraging and a lot of stakeholders, not just curators look out for this.

So how about newbies who just hopped on and haven't earned anything to stake? Must they buy? No, they mustn't buy. Usually, curators would vote you if you're a newbie even though you don't have any stake, but as expected if you don't stake some of your earnings as time goes by you wouldn't continue receiving those votes.


Use the POB Frontend:

You would still get upvotes from curators if you don't use the POB frontend, but using the frontend gives you a better chance due to visibility. Curators usually go through the posts made on the frontend before anywhere else so they might exhaust their votes before reaching anywhere else.

When the Community announces the complete move to the new front end, using the POB frontend would surely play more of a major role in who the POBLeus curators vote on.


Make a Quality Post:

Well, well, well, if it isn't one of the seemingly most controversial and subjective topics on Hive 🌚👀. But we'll all agree we can do nothing but let people decide quality, maybe until a good bot is made, but for now we just have to do our best in chosing the right people and letting them decide all the time.

Briefly I would define a quality post as a post that either choses an interesting/relevant topic and does justice to it or a post that doesn't necessarily bring up a relevant/interesting topic but does justice to the one it picks up. Furthermore what makes a good post is, do a little research, use some good photos and pay a lot of attention to relevance and entertainment.


Your Recent Posts Should not Have already Earned Substantial POB:

This means if your recent posts have earned substantial amounts of POB the curators would have to pass you by because you're already taken care of. Note that this is done because the curators are trying to strike a balance, it wouldn't be nice if they keep rewarding the same person that is already rewarded when there a good number of others out there who haven't earned anything at all.

What is a substantial amount? Usually 10-20 POB is substantial, it depends on the quality of the post.

Closing Words

As POBLeus curators follow these rules we might have to skip some posts, posts of our friends (because they do not meet the criteria), posts of some whales (because they're usually well rewarded), etc. I hope our friends and whales understand and still love us the same, it is a responsibility we accepted and we need to abide by certain rules as official curators; the solution of creating an Alt account is not always straightforward and manageable by some people.

As changes come up I'll be sure to make posts like these again. Cheers!

Roll with @nevies, I run a Humor, deeper thoughts and sex talk blog here on Hive🌚