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TGI Friday (3/9/2021) - Some Great Posts, Some HBI Shares and a Couple of Suggestions

I've had an interesting week on Hive and read some great posts so I'm going to attempt to shout-out a few folks you might have missed, highlight a few posts and send a few Hive Basic Income shares out.

The HBI scheme has been running for a few years now and if you have never come across it before, @steembasicincome was set-up to help people get a little starter reward on their posts.

Some complain that it's buying votes which I understand but the key to the scheme is that when you gift someone an HBI share, you get half and the person you gift it to gets half. It's sharing and it's a show of appreciation. You may argue that an 'upvote' does that but for those who don't have huge stake, sending an HBI share is a gift that keeps on giving, and receiving, as long as you keep posting. The APR is very low and the break-even point, over 2 years, I once read so it's most definitely NOT a 'get rich quick' scheme but it does show a long term commitment to the community.

We also have any number of Hive Engine tokens that were designed to do the same thing such as engagement tokens, pizza, luv, beer and no doubt others I've forgotten about and they were created with the same idea of rewarding people for their engagement but they're just more tokens to sit on Hive Engine and not really a solution, in my opinion. HBI shares are set at 1 Hive each which again, for some, is a lot to be giving away so I have a suggestion for Mr @josephsavage, is it possible we could have 1/10th HBI shares please? This would encourage people to use the scheme more and show gratitude that lasts forever AND still provides the original promise of the schemes 'basic income', instead of until you sold some worthless token for a millionth of a Hive like the current token rewards. I don't know how feasible this would be and I would appreciate your comments ladies and gents.

So on to some nice folks you might have missed...

I have oft said that I enjoy the more personal posts on Hive, especially when written with honesty and sincerity. This is often not the best way to amass huge rewards and so I'm dropping in the names of these two young Nigerians in the hope of getting them a few more eyes, and rewards, on their offerings.

First-up, @evegrace...

...who has been around and consistently posting for 3 years. She is always polite and charming and the honesty of some her posts is refreshing and disarming. I like real-life photos of the regular street someone has just walked down or a market where someone is buying groceries, it gives me a glimpse into parts of the world I have not yet visited, and a taste of how other people really live. It's quite humbling.

Too many life questions! is her latest post so please go and say hello!

Now for a student with an artistic streak, @corporateay...

...has been around for just over a year now and is genuinely nice fella. He posts a mix of his sketches and art as well as taking part in the #iamalivechallenge. He's doing Ok in the #proofofbrain tribe but I'd love to see him get a few more Hive rewards for his consistency and the fact he just keeps plugging away with a never-ending gratitude and positivity for Hive and life in general.

Here is his latest post, Quick Sketch...Nursing Mother

A few honourable mentions to...

... @dandays, I'm not going to blow his trumpet, or anything else for that matter but if you've been living under a Hive rock for the last few years and not come across him before, click on his name and have a read, it's time well spent. If you comment, prepare to give-up a few days to continue the addictive recourse. This guy engages more than Jean-Luc Picard.

Looking for some interesting vintage photography and retro-computing? Then a one-stop shop should be @darth-azreal who is currently working through a batch of mid-eighties floppy disks and having a nose around! Digital voyeurism at its best!

Finally, @deltasteem from Indonesia, in between posting 'macro photography insects', he pulls out a few brilliant posts in the
architecture and design community about furniture making and carpentry, like this one. I love stuff like this and wish there were a whole lot more similar posts on Hive.

I started by mentioning HBI shares so there are a couple each to everyone I mentioned in this post. Keep up the great posts guys!

After my post earlier in the week about my Levelling-up Challenge I said I'd learn a number of new tricks. Notice the SBI logo? Its pulled left! After all this time, I finally managed to work it out and have been reading up on basic HTML to try and see what other little tricks I can come up with to make my posts look a little better. The thinking is, if they look nicer, it might divert attention away from the nonsense I write! More to come.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and best wishes. Take care, stay safe and be happy out there.