Crypto - Hope -Projets


I have been asking myself, if the real solution to the problems of inequality, that exist on the planet, can be repaired. It's not that I have doubts, I just want to know, how.
How would a project that seeks to create equality can be, without making radical changes in the structure, social, economic politics?
Well luckily I found some answers.
I have participated in a discussion in the space. It was hosted by #greenchipNFT
"Using DeFi to fund charity efforts."
(I recommend this audio of 1:40:30 duration)
I have found awesome human beings, busy solving these problems.

"Most of the times we find that we're managing problems because there
is economic benefit in them for someone and it's super sad. But it is the truth"

We know that DEFY can help with transparency, because with crypto you can see where these funds are being sent. Transparency is an important point, but the project objectives are even more important, and with whom the communities choose to do business.
In time all problems will disappear, because the old structures of competition will be obsolete.

This positive thinking has made me see a light, at the end of the tunnel. If you have any example of crypyo projects that you consider positive and want to share,
leave it in the comments, since the key to the community is collaboration and expanding the family.

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