Improve Brain Quality With Unique Method.


As the center of information and activities, the brain is the most vital organ. Brain cells are made up of millions of cells but actually the ones that are effectively used when we think hard are only a fraction of zero percent of the total number of our brain cells.

The human brain has a capacity of ten to the eight hundredth power, meaning eight hundred zeros after ten. Or comparable to two stacks of memory chips or SD card mounts. The brain also has 50 billion cells, with a total weight of only 420 grams, one cell can interact with 1000-5000 other cells.

Albert Einstein, who is a physics developer, only uses 1% of his brain cells. In fact, if you look at it, Einstein is one of the scientists who is quite creative, and even thinks about new things almost every time. Maybe today there are no humans who are able to think like Einstein. You could say he is one of the most extraordinary humans on earth. Unlike humans today. Human creative thinking ability, is very limited, this is the result because they are not trained to use it.

If you have a brain that is still being used, hone it with this method:

  • Getting used to active left-right:
    Do the task with your non-dominant hand. If you usually use left-handed (left) then use your right hand and vice versa. For example, when using a cellphone, when writing, brushing teeth, and tying shoes in the opposite direction. According to the Franklin Institute, this type of exercise can strengthen existing neural connections and even form new ones.
  • Reading can flex the brain muscles, both light reading (such as comics or novels) and informational reading. And according to the study of Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas in 2001, reading can help build a 'cognitive reserve' to delay the onset of dementia.
  • Play puzzles or crosswords. Like Sudoku, rubik's squares, crossword puzzles and other types of puzzles can train the brain, especially the left brain, according to the Learning Rx cognitive training center. Add new strategies to make brain training more effective, such as solving crossword puzzles with unusual themes.
  • Play strategy games. Strategy games such as chess, monopoly or other computer games, will use the right brain which can help people think more creatively.
  • Change routine. According to Lawrence Katz, professor of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center, changing routines and new ways of living can activate previously inactive brain connections. Exercises that can be done for example, taking a shower with your eyes closed or rearranging the office or desk, tidying the room and others.
  • Learn foreign language. Learning a foreign language activates parts of your brain that haven't been used since you started speaking. A 2007 study at York University in Toronto, found that the use of multiple languages ​​can increase the blood supply to the brain to maintain healthy neural connections.
  • Enjoy music image In addition to listening to music, learn to play musical instruments as well. Experts also recommend activating two senses at once, such as listening to music and smelling flowers.
  • physical training. Physical exercise can also improve brain health, because it can increase blood flow to the brain. According to the Stanford Center on Longevity and The Max Planck Institute for Human Development, physical exercise can improve attention, reasoning and memory.
  • Social life. The brain can be trained by living your social life, for example by visiting friends. A 2006 study by Dr David Bennett of Rush University Medical Center found that having a social network may provide some protection against the clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Looking for a new hobby. Challenge your brain to learn new skills or things you've never done before. If you're not an artist, try to learn to paint or sculpt. If you can play the piano, learn to play the guitar. Find something new and interesting to keep your brain active.

Here's an inspiring story from Thomas Alva Edison:


Thomas Alva Edison, if you are a history lover, maybe you know this man, just like Einstein. How does it feel to live without a lamp? Back to using the torch as a lamp. Of course not comfortable is not it. So, be grateful that Thomas Alva Edison has invented the lamp that is used today throughout the world. Before his first light came on, Edison had failed 5000 times. But he never gives up, thinks positively and is resilient, this is what brings him to unlimited creativity.

In addition, Edison is considered the greatest inventor in history. A total of 1,093 technology innovation patents are engraved in his name. But despite his success, who would have thought that little Edison was once sent home and called too stupid by his teacher. Edison also earned the nickname the stupid bad. He never received formal and normal education until he finished and then his mother gave private education to Edison or what is now known as homeschooling. When Edison succeeded in making a lamp, a newspaper headlined;

"After thousands of failures, now Edison has succeeded in making a lamp that burns".

Edison spontaneously got angry and asked them to change the headline;

"After thousands of times he succeeded in making a light that didn't turn on, now Edison has succeeded in making a light that does."

(Remember, great people who are successful start from small people who have failed).

About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. .
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.


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